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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2012 in all areas

  1. My hats off to the dedication and commitment the TBRC in working location X. What I find very perplexing is that only a very limited number have ever had more than just a brief glimpse of their subject, yet they have this dogmatic, unproven scientific opinion that they are dealing with a "Wood Ape". Not a possibility, but a strong opinion they stand behind to justify their efforts in taking the life of one without really knowing exactly what they are dealing with at this point. I was raised up hunting and the importance of identifying just who and what your target is before shooting. Shooting something first to find out exactly what it is just doesn't have any good base in my opinion. Secondly, there has already been one shooting attempt where unknown third parties in the area that were fortunately not in the line of fire, but easily could have been. My point is this: I see dangerous flaws in any attempt to kill a Bigfoot. Accidental shooting of another person is one. The other is provoking them into an all out attack mode. I see killing one of their family members as one example of not leaving the forest alive. Just my opinion and hope no one is ever injured out there in the field of research.....
    2 points
  2. Wait a minute. I seem to recall this report- he said it was 33 below, but the Bank said 40 below (if its anything like the bank near my house that would not be all that weird- any way we can find out how accurate the bank thermometer is?). So he is saying something different from the bank. The 'sighting' was also well out of town... Was this because he found out some other way? Like a reading on the dash of his truck? Sounds like this one could do with more investigation...
    1 point
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