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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2012 in all areas

  1. You know how many times that I have actually thought about this same thing issue? A lot. I have been sitting in my tree stand or my ground stand and really thought about putting an arrow though one of them. Only one thing stops me and it scares the heck out of me ,truely scares the heck out of me. It's when you start to hear these knocks from different directions and you know that this animal is not alone and all you have is a bow. Even though you know that the bow is silent you are not really alone and if it goes down you will not know from what direction the attack will come from. Believe me I know that these creatures do not travel alone and if they do you can be sure that there will not be one not that far away. Protection they really do not need since they have done so well all these years. The only protection that I can think of would be the humans foolishly enough willing to hunt them. Once proven there should be legislation for people who are dumb enough to go after them on their turf. Fines should be given to them ,to let them know that these fines were given to save their lives . Now this is just my opinion . If video has been taken already and a body or a part of a body is in a study then all that is now left is the behavior of the creature in it own natural state. No more talk of killing or anything else of that. It should be all about on how these creatures behave in the wild. Their true nature,their habitat, what they eat , when they mate and when they have their offsprings. It should all be along these lines. We have some idea if they do communicate but not the how's or whys . Consumption of food is something we should be looking for as well. Keep hearing about who has video or who knows more. Who cares. Operation Persistance should be used as a platform for study to help other to gain knowledge and improve our data base on how to interact with these animals or creatures. Again my own opinion but this should be science.to gain knowledge and widen a data base interaction with these creatures on a regular basis
    1 point
  2. You know Mudder......fear exists within us for a reason. People will tell you it's good to "face your fears" but not always is that true. Fear exists to protect us, to let us know what is not safe. For instance, I have a fear of tall cliffs. That fear is good for me to have as it stops me from foolishly climbing a tall cliff and possibly falling and killing myself. Humans cannot see in the dark, and dangers lurk, especially in the woods at night! I would never go camping ALONE in such a place, especially if you say it is haunted. Trust me when I say to trust your INSTINCT, don't go. If you wish to go camping, go with a group of people and camp in a campground or park where there are many others nearby. That's my advice to you.
    1 point
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