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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2012 in all areas

  1. I'm just glad they learned that bipedal foot steps , thrown rocks, wood knocks, howls, whoops, screams and growls , and an occasional glimpse of wildmen. happens in the woods.The claims are not new in any way. The TBRC seems excited however to be able to get so many of their members on the same page.
    1 point
  2. Since the OP calls for speculating, how about. 1. They vary from almost total Saquatch to partly human depending on genetic breeding. That would account for the differing behavior and appearance between individuals and groups. 2. They have hands that aren't well suited for tool making. The thumb is set back too far to handle smaller objects such as needles and awls. 3. They have varying degrees of vocal/communication ability depending on breeding. 4. At some point they decided they would not win in a struggle with our technology and numbers. They chose to stay off the grid and avoid us as a survival strategy. 5. Some populations are badly inbred. 6. Their intellegence/problem solving skills would need to be similar to ours to be as successful at avoiding us. 7. They must dispose of their dead or the TBRC folks would be stumbling all over their remains. 8. They are emerging from the deepest wlderness area and some are taking up houskeeping closer to civilisation. Probably for various reasons, but finding food on a regular basis during the late winter would probably be up there. 9. Because they are in essence the ultimate "Hippy", they would view our behavior, as concerns nature, in a very troubling light. I suspect that is the fundamental gulf between us. Those are just some WAG's that I hold as of now anyway.
    1 point
  3. Here we go, 2010. http://reinep.wordpress.com/2010/03/13/giant-chimp-discovered-it-is-a-new-species-and-it-is-human-sized/
    1 point
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