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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2012 in all areas

  1. More NON BELIEVERS have been created due to Moneymaker and his band of phonies. "Finding Dignity" would be a better for their little entertainment production. I have TONS of pm's to reply to, I'll try to get to them one I can. I did want to add, the creatures were filmed several times, sometimes as close as exactly 32' away (measurements taken after the encounter). Video also shows some incredible audio, very strange sounds of communication
    2 points
  2. If Neanderthal tracks are distinct in some way, then maybe we could define the differences with these pics. Could the big toe be a clue?
    1 point
  3. lol, # 10 & 11 struck me as particularly funny #16 Armchair Squatchers; your opinions are equally, if not more valid than those out in the field, feel free to speak loudly and proudly
    1 point
  4. Why so much concern for the safety of the bigfoot? As long as the location isn't obvious to viewers it will make no difference in the probability of someone killing one. I assume the footage/pics are taken somewhere w/a natural background and not in front of the Mirage in Vegas and that the subjects filmed aren't holding a sign with map coordinates. Edit out any telling locational markers and let it fly.
    1 point
  5. Norseman, FYI....I dug more into the Easton hunting video a few months ago and it is a proven hoax. It was intended to fool the host/speaker of the show. It was actually a man in a ghillie suit. He purposly was only in the last frame or tow to make it less obvious. KB
    1 point
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