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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2012 in all areas

  1. Dang it Coonbo!!!! I was hoping my slow realization that there may be another species out there that are Dogman or werewolf in nature was just a flight of fancy on my part. Now you had to go and confirm it that there is indeed seemingly at least some basis to it. I am guessing that by posting that, you believe your source is telling the truth. Does your source believe the LBL incident as told by Jan Thompson is true? Any guesses as to how one goes about eradicating Dogmen (and do not use the word "silver" in your description...)? Finally, if what your source said is true, then it would help explain why the government would not want to, and in fact, even attempt to discourage acknowledgement that BF exists. "My fellow Americans, the Government now acknowledges that there are very large primates, commonly known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, living in the rural areas of our great country. They live in every region of our nation. For the most part they are shy and reclusive. However we do know that on occasion that they have been known to kill and abduct humans, including children, who wander into their territory. This is very rare, but not unheard of. We urge you to continue to use the outdoors as you always have, and enjoy yourselves and all America has to offer. Just be alert to your surroundings when you are out there. Thank you. Good night." Yeah, that is going to go over real well........
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