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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2012 in all areas

  1. Haters gonna hate. Deriders gonna deride. The TBRC is sharing their info, fully within their rights. If you don't believe them then go ahead and don't believe them, no one's asking you to read this thread or their reports. THAT my friends, is critical thinking. Honestly, I think most scoffers are secretly envious that they aren't there to experience it for themselves. Meantime, I'll give TBRC the benefit of the doubt and only time will tell if this is all for real. If it turns out to be a farce, hey, I'm only guilty of being initially respectful to the messenger.
    1 point
  2. So a critical thinker should have no respect for researchers with experience?
    1 point
  3. That's cool, but its not good enough for the Science.
    1 point
  4. Has it occured to you that that's because some reports are unreal?
    1 point
  5. I had met to write this on the resent Washington track find thread but it has been locked for now so I will just state my 2 cents worth here. As researchers part of the job is to expose hoaxes and the people who perpetrate them. That is part of what being a researcher is all about. It is also one of the things which separates a true researcher from an Advocate. One simple fact that I have learned since I first got involved with this subject in 1978 was the fact that you will encounter fake sighting reports, footprint finds, and all kinds of other weird and wonderful stuff which so many advocates insist must be caused by Sasquatch in one way or the other. The late Paul freeman who I knew well comes to mind and I now fully admit that back in the early to mid 1980s he had me fooled. Meldrum still has me scratching my head on some of his footprint claims. But the man was hoaxing at least part of the time and could very well have been all of the time. Ivan Marx syndrome as I call it still infects a good many people who are in a hurry for what ever reason to draw attention to them selves. Or hoaxers who wish to chuckle at the fact they succeeded in fooling the researchers. The main problem in these cases are researchers whom feel they must not in any way reveal that they may have been taken in. To that I say do not worry about it. Its a learning experience, it will happen. A certain fellow recently up here in British Columbia at Golden Ears Park had taken in quite a few people for a short period of time, myself at first took a great interest in what he was claiming to come across, the first red flags for me was his extraordinary luck with out any real convincing back up. Finally I caught him red handed and exposed his antics, much of which was debated right here on this forum. I guess it is now against forum rules to mention his name but many of you know who I am talking about. The real crime, (for lack of a better word} as far as I am concerned would be if a exposed hoaxer were later on to be taken seriously. That just makes the whole field look foolish and all researchers appear as simple advocates. After all the goal here is to find a answer to a great mystery not push some religious type faith. Researchers have to except the real possibility that the Sasquatch question may very well turn out in the end to nothing more than a fantastic peace of North American folklore. I personally at this point do not be leave that, but as a researcher in search of an answer I have to accept that in the end this may turn out to be the case. If it does end up this way in my life time the howling skeptics who will cry. "I told you so" will not bother me in the slightest. Why? Because I was a researcher in search of the answer, not an advocate pushing a faith. Big difference between the two. Just as there is a big difference between a true skeptic and out right cynic. Thomas Steenburg
    1 point
  6. They should be outed. Along with their helpers. Bigfooting may be on the fringe, but I think thanks to the BFF, that we consider ourselves a community. Aren’t we a group of friends who agree and disagree, but in the end, wish no ill will on anyone? I've seen us donate and have well wishes and heart-felt sorrow when sadness has entered into our personal lives. Remember when HRPuff gave $10,000 to the Tsunami relief because of kitakaze - remember when we cried because Fishbone35, Firefly, and Blackdog died. To think that someone associated with the BFF could so casually throw all that away breaks my heart. You really should be ashamed and you should come forward on your own, but I suspect highly you won't. Sad.
    1 point
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