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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2012 in all areas

  1. Seeing videos of possible young sasquatches and their ability to breakiate through trees.... and how older ones travel from all fours to upright seem more ape/chimplike. Chimp and other apes can't speak because their anatomy isn't designed for speech. However, their intelligence makes it possible for them to understand words. Could this be true for sasquatch? Maybe. I go back and forth on the issue of human vs. ape. I sometimes think we will find out they are somewhere in between but not quite one or the other. But what do I know....I wish I could see one up close. Or, it would be nice if a DNA study would publish so we would know (hopefully) one way or another.
    1 point
  2. That's the point, you need to confirm that from other than just IP addresses. I guess I'm just tired of the insinuations, if anybody knows who it is, come out and say it, show your proof; or forever shut your mouth. I hate the secret squirrel game.
    1 point
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