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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2012 in all areas

  1. First, I'd like to welcome all of those from the MABRC to our forum. You are welcome here, but I need to point out a few things to you. You guys need to read our forum rules. In them you'll note that we expect a certain degree of respect for our forum members. Telling them that "they don't deserve crap" after a member of your organization posts some cryptic response to something our members knew little about, if anything at all, is the height of absurdity. To me, this appears to be a shameless attempt to promote the MABRC. Everyone has had their say to this point. There have even been threats of verbal lashings in response to some of those ungrateful BFF members that were lured into wanting answers by the original statement by the MABRC's representative. This is unacceptable on the BFF's General Forum. If you want to discuss things like this in the manner which it seems to be conducted in up to this point, I suggest that you reach 75 posts, pony up $20 and purchase a PMP. It's basically no holes barred there and you can say what you wish without fear of being penalized by the BFF staff. http://bigfootforums...-now-available/ With that said, I'm going to watch this thread very closely. If I continue to see the unacceptable behavior(s) displayed, I'll personally take punitive actions against those involved and close the thread afterward. It doesn't matter to me who you are or who you think you are. This is the BFF and we do things our way here. If you don't want to pony up the $20 to purchase a PMP, you can take your rhetoric back to your own forum. You know, the one that the BFF doesn't want you to know about. See
    1 point
  2. Cannot attribute this to fear when more then one oerson feels he same thing. Sure i have felt fear when i had my first encounter and it was nowhere near being zapped,those feelings were entirely different.when i had fear My legs felt like they were rubbery but was able to control. being zapped felt like being hit with electricity.Big difference and yes i have been bluff charged before in different areas of the state of Michigan.Once on a hill where the creature was at the bottom of the hill and it charged up towards me. I have had things thrown at me as well and had never felt the feeling of being zapped. This zapped feeling has only happen to me twice,I have also been made sick by so called infrasound . Have been growled right before i was disorientated by them because i was in a area the i should have not been in the frst place. I am not worried of collecting evidence since the evidence will speak for it self sooner or later.If they refuse to admit well that is ok it really does not bother me so i really do not care.I share so that others know they are not alone.Have expieranced some things that i still do not have no understanding and maybe will never have.I just would say that being zapped is very real and should be acknowledged.
    1 point
  3. YOU made an enticing statement on the internet. It would seem then that you wanted everybody to know about it and would then be all of our business, as we populate the interwebs just for such information. Why so evasive ?
    1 point
  4. The NDA says we can't give details about the findings, and that we can only know what the current overall results are. We can say we have samples in the study, and have signed the NDA. Several people here have apparently. I don't see that showing someone the NDA would benefit the study in any way,so there you have it.
    1 point
  5. I think the bad vibes come from people towards the MABRC who take your original "confirm or deny" statement as provocative. And those bad vibes have started. Some people may see a "confirm or deny" statement as something used to avoid telling a lie. Some people may see it as carrot dangling. Regardless, it's ambiguous in its meaning to some. I guess acknowledging and taking on RL's stuff gives credence to it. Best. Lee
    1 point
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