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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2012 in all areas

  1. That's pretty obvious...and common among "denialists". It's pretty "convenient" to deny facts & drone on about how they haven't been "found". Lots of people have found them.
    2 points
  2. Hey, try to get good video while you're bumming that cig. Maybe you can collect that 10 million.
    1 point
  3. Cotter, A couple...or a few..?...years back when Tontar created his avatar image, Daniel used it for the cover of his Bigfoot Times as well as interviewin' him for that issue, so he knew who Tontar was/is. If Daniel is goin' by what is bein' suggested here, an perhaps on other sites(?), he would know Tontar's identity already. In the Oct. issue shown here, didn't Daniel say he went back to check his files ? To everyone, Again, as far as I'm concerned, seems ta be alot of speculation goin' on an we're not seein' any definative evidence. Besides speculation or it bein' suggested, has anyone here seen any actual evidence that incriminates anyone ? Yes, I agree it sucks big time we have hoaxers, but we already knew that. Yes it sucks people got screwed over loosin' both their time an money researchin' this. Yes, I think peoples pride took a blow, an no one likes that...it's human nature...but it is also human nature to make mistakes, to be wrong now an again. It happens. An it will likely happen again. When I first started readin' up on the trackway an looked at images of the tracks, I found them interestin'. Did the hoaxer get away with a hoax, no. I think it a shame if as some have said, they will no longer share information. I think the sharin' of information allows us to all learn, even if it's from a mistake. I also think it a shame to come to conclusions to fast, that's how mistakes can be made. Have a good week-end folks ! Pat...
    1 point
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