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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2012 in all areas

  1. BF "Discovered" by Science - Yes, as the gorillas had to finally be discovered. Shot- NO, and there in lies the problem. They would be hunted down and shot illegally by high - tech, well funded individuals. The poaching pictures we see today of gorilla heads staked up like cord-wood is unbelievable. An example - I sat next to a fellow on a US Coast to Coast flight returning from an African Hunting Safari. He had shot many different species of very large animals on permits that cost him 50+ K in US dollars. The meat went to the locals and hides, tusks, horns, heads, etc. all got shipped home. For me it was shocking to hear the details of how the month long hunt went. His spin was he helped the local economy. Don't get me wrong - I use to hunt in Idaho every Fall to get my 2 deer to help augment our diet. We wasted nothing then; but I sold my guns after leaving the State...today I fish instead. For me there are way too many crazies carrying guns and shooting at random out in the woods today.....
    1 point
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