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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2012 in all areas

  1. Good idea. It's always wise to not repeat faulty information.
    1 point
  2. With all due respect, BS, your inside information appears to be somewhat faulty.
    1 point
  3. The process of how we got to using fire is a chicken or egg argument and is moot as we are discussing modern human intelligence as opposed to our smaller sized and smaller brained ancestors from 6000,000 thousand years ago. The fact is that large numbers of neurons require large inputs of energy and that is not in dispute. I find the idea that a primate having a digestive system so superior and different to all other known primates completely irrational as that would mean a completely different evolutionary line. The fiber argument is pretty weak also because only one gram of fiber is recommended for every 1000 calories and the daily calorie intake for adults is around 2000 - 2500 calories. So that means that the daily recommended fiber intake is only 2.5 grams and 10 times that amount is only 25 grams. A US 5 cent piece (a nickel) weighs 5 grams so your example would only be eating the equivalent weight of 5 nickels in fiber a day. Pretty insignificant!!!
    1 point
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