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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2012 in all areas

  1. You wont even have that with Sykes, Laymen trying to get their samples tested depend largely on what the scientists tell them in laymens terms anyways. If you agree up front to forego a printed lab report in favor of a published paper in a scientific Journal then you have no grounds to be upset. Particularly if you didn't even pay for the testing beyond a simple screening. People seem to think the sample submitters to this study simply paid for a test and didn't get a printed report in return. That wasn't the agreement.
    2 points
  2. Glad I tolerate that we can provide your entertainment.
    1 point
  3. @WTB1 You ask why knowers come here. Is this not a Bigfoot Forum. I am a knower and I come here because I see some of the believers & newbies have a lot of questions and I would like to help them if I can from my own personal experiences. I'm not here to convert people to my side. Just share some info that hopefully will help he/she out in their research. I'm glad I came to this forum, there are a lot of nice and intelligent people here to share info and experiences with or just talk too. I don't understand why non believers go to a forum that they don't agree with. If I don't believe or agree with something I don't go to that forum and start demanding proof or calling people liars or crazy. If a person has nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Life is too short for that type of B.S. We need to build eachother up not tear eachother down.
    1 point
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