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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2012 in all areas

  1. A video is being posted to CONVINCE you of something that person saw...........are you allowed to draw your own conclusions? Ummm you had better, or there is a snake oil salesman right around the corner that would love to talk to you. There is a certain Navy SEAL that has a quote about people claiming to be a Navy SEAL........"DO NOT BELIEVE IT". Out of a thousand times you might be wrong one time. Same goes for video and pictures of Sasquatch.........it's just not the medium that will ever convince anyone of anything. As for making comments about a forest I live in that you do not? I'm not the world's authority on anything and I'm sure there are scientists in Europe that know more about certain aspects of where I live than I do. But at the same time there is something to be said about actually having your rear end in the back country doing it. It's all a matter of perspective. Ultimately this forum is for EVERYONE to participate in, and nobody has the right to tell you to butt out of a conversation because you lack "credentials".
    1 point
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