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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2012 in all areas

  1. A little late to this discussion but nothing like retrieving an old thread Just to touch on a few things mentioned 1st, not to sound like a smart a$$ but humans are classified as Apes, chimps, orang's, bonobo's, gorilla's and humans make up the great apes. So years ago a watched a fascinating documentary on chimp intelligence, primarily focusing on their "snap shot, photographic memory" and in all tests chimps out performed humans or any age. Tests would be something like, 9 numbers would flash in random places on a computer and only stay visible for fraction of a second then disappear and get replaced by a box. Chimp or human would have to touch the boxes in correct number order, 1-9 as numbers appeared during flash. Amazing chimps would get it right almost every time all 9 numbers. Most humans could not get more than 6 before they started to have to guess. And it showed that chimps have an amazing flash focus memory which is very beneficial for survival in the wild when living in a troop dynamic. A second neat study i saw was problem solving. 5yr olds (accepted as being similar to chimp intellect) and chimps where given a black puzzle box and then taken through and exact sequence of moves of the puzzle box to gain access to a treat in side. Test subjects practiced until they could do it correctly consecutive times. THEN, the black box was replaced by a clear box where all the internal workings were visible and the box was the exact same otherwise. With this box, the chimp was able to see that all the moves were not needed to get the treat and that you could simply pull out the last piece and get the treat and they immediately did so. where as the 5yr olds would still go through the entire sequence of moves to get the treat despite being able to see that it was attainable with out the moves. This also shows that chimps are visual animals, much more than a human. in short, chimps can most certainly keep track of their physical surroundings, much better than humans. would a BF be more chimp like or more human like? i can only speculate Like someone else said, animals are often aware of camera's be it odor, sound, or visual for different species. Primates are weary of any thing that looks like an eye like a camera lens. like humans they have a lot of non verbal communication, lots of it based around the eyes. I have had experience working with spider monkeys and we would always advise people to never wear sunglasses especially the Oakley sport type. the large almost "glaring eyes" of those lenses would get them quite agitated. ummm i think that is about all i have to say. So take home message is all animals perceive the world differently and i think it is hard to wrap our heads around how amazing some animal senses are, like a sharks ability to detect blood, a bears ability to smell, or a mouses ability to sense with its whiskers. Human senses suck but we got a big ol brain to make up for it
    1 point
  2. That is my understanding. Adrian has a handful of specimens in the study and has to wait until the study publishes to release the film. I was told they were talking to Nat Geo at one point, don't know if anything came of it.
    1 point
  3. Having misgivings about evidence you haven't examined and having not said you don't think bigfoot doesn't exist I take to mean you believe they do but haven't said so.With that not said, maybe you are just here to sling poo as long as it doesn't land on you?
    1 point
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