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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2012 in all areas

  1. Don't worry bff'ers, I speak 420ese. Doood! Don't be harshing the mellow . Share a little love with all your brothers and sisters under the sun. This is totes like when yur tryin to shred the gnar and some flatlander boguses you out. Be a bro, bro. Pass the dutchie to the left hand side. c'mon now.
    1 point
  2. Hi Bipto ! I rarely if ever have contributed to this thread, but thought I would put $0.02 in to let you know I am gratefull for the updates and info that you share. I fully support your goal to capture a type specimen. Your ability to answer questions to infity and beyond with those that seem to want to do to just rattle your chain .... is saintly. I would put you beside my sister in an infinite ability to suffer fools. Just wanted you to know there's many here that appreciate your efforts. Keep on keepin on !
    1 point
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