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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2012 in all areas

  1. If he was doing what he loved to do then it was not a waste.
    1 point
  2. The other day was nice here in Oregon, so I went out and did some footin. I set a blind up with my thermal facing behind my truck to watch for anything trying to sneek up on me. At night I got in the back of my truck and opened a window and listened. I must of fell asleep because I woke up and looked at the monitor. I saw two BF heat signatures going from tree to tree coming closer too me. I thought that was awesome and just watched the monitor. Then the thermal started moving and a heat signature of a huge hand moved in front of it. Then I felt that eerie feeling of something outside the open window watching me and I heard a spooky sound. Then I really woke up. The whole thing was a dream or was it? I listened and I could hear heavy footfalls that ended up being my heartbeat. Then I got real dizzy and felt nauchus. I thought what the hell. First I have a BF dream and now I'm being zapped. I must be reading the BF Forum too much. After about half an hour of lying in the fecal position I heard that spooky sound that woke me up and it didn't come from outside. It was in the canopy with me! I felt better, so I don't think I was being zapped. I think it was just a fart that got caught crossways. I hate it when that happens. Has this happened to anyone else?
    1 point
  3. Surely the answer lies at the bottom of the box of twinkies. Puhlease indulge us yur epiphany
    1 point
  4. Don't worry bff'ers, I speak 420ese. Doood! Don't be harshing the mellow . Share a little love with all your brothers and sisters under the sun. This is totes like when yur tryin to shred the gnar and some flatlander boguses you out. Be a bro, bro. Pass the dutchie to the left hand side. c'mon now.
    1 point
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