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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2012 in all areas

  1. The big problem that I have with armchair researchers is the constant litanies as to how "if they had BF in their back yard", they would have volumes of video & pictures, and tons of evidence. They would be rich beyond measure, & anyone that hasn't accomplished all these amazing feats is either "lying, lazy, stupid, insane, inconsiderate, incompetent, not trying hard enough, or all of the above". Then they proceed to ridicule every piece of evidence that is presented. They're full of ideas, most of which have already been tried & found lacking in the real world. Yet they insist that if their excellent advice had been tried, "this mess could have been wrapped up years ago". My advice to the armchair researchers is try it before they criticize others' efforts.
    1 point
  2. I suspect that some of the stories may be exaggerated, in that if you're a parent and not really paying close attention, you might say well, the kid was just right here and instantly disappeared instead of something like, well, it was about 15 minutes before I missed him/her...it makes you feel a bit better about yourself and also makes you look better. But I've wandered the wilds since I was old enough to walk - alone - and I think it would be a real shame if someone were to quit going out because of fear. You're probably safer out in the wilds alone than sitting in your armchair at home.
    1 point
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