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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2012 in all areas

  1. Hello all- I would like to encourage you to listen to some very impressive audio taken in northern Minnesota earlier this year. The website that is hosting the file is brand new and just went live this morning. It is called the Sasquatch Researchers Association or SRA and was started by former BFRO investigators wanting to share with the rest of the community their experiences without restrictions. I just happen to be part of the group, so that is why you are literally the first to know about it. Please feel free to share this link with anyone you feel would enjoy listening to it. I would suggest reading the background and the analysis done by the SRA team. It is impressive. I will be around to answer questions if you have any. Thanks and enjoy. NL http://sasquatchresearchers.org/march-2012-minnesota-howls/
    1 point
  2. Maybe it is that they have nothing better and the only thing to read is your postings about what you beieve or have created what Bigfoot is. Yes ,It all makes sense that what we are seeing are images implanted by Harp or even better Project Blue Beam. Wow I getted now.Good thing that we are the good guy's huh!
    1 point
  3. Now that's one of the few post in this thread that I've been able to make any since out of.
    1 point
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