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  1. Denisovan DNA was compared to all known hominid sequences and found to be unique, so now it is known. The same it will be for squatch. Denisovans is also called a genome in search of an archaeology.
    2 points
  2. well something had to have existed in order for them to find this DNA, something mated with human female and this is the existance of some thing real that is living today.You cannot fake DNA of something that never existed unless it had existed.DNA is comformation of that living in our forest. Whether it is unknown does not matter what matters is the fact that DNA came form a living organism. They have the markings to prove that and only time will tell how this will effect the way we see things living in our forest.As it stands they have DNA of something that all have said never existed.I do not see it fading away but making the case of there being a living organism called BIgfoot living with in our forest.
    1 point
  3. Whether you believe or disbelieve in the existence of bigfoot, I think many here are underestimating one major primate sitting in the middle of the room. Science (thanks to Mulder? who distinguishes between big "S" Science, and little "s" science) has a major vested interest in this project to FAIL. For nearly 50 years they have done nothing but ridicule, deride, and scoff at anyone or anything that had a whiff of "Bigfoot" attached to it. They have successfully created an environment wherein society, led by the media, paints anyone who is even open to the concept of bigfoot as a loon, regardless if they are Dr. Meldrum, Janice Carter, or anything in between. I know I have never seen or heard a report from the media that didn't have a wink or smirk attached to the subject. The fact is, the establishment will never be happy about having egg on their face nor having to eat crow as many of the proponents of the creatures existence think they will have to do upon release of this paper. So what will they do? They will ignore it. Of course they can verify a previously unknown homin based on a fossilized toenail...as long as it hadn't been the specific object of their vociferous ridicule for 50 years. In order to "keep face" they can't reverse themselves now unless an irrefutable piece of evidence is thrown before them. In other words, a body, dead or alive. DNA study by a scientist who even entertains the idea of bigfoot enough to take samples for a study, much less one who claims to have a family of them on her ranch braiding horse hair? Forget it. The establishment will be able to find a hundred excuses to negate and downplay this study regardless of how much care and objectivity was employed in its creation. Regardless of how or when the report is generated, it will be buried and forgotten except among the believers. THE ESTABLISHMENT DOES NOT WANT TO HEAR IT and thus they won't unless TBRC or whomever trots out a live or dead specimen in the press which embarrasses them into recanting their position.
    1 point
  4. So wait a minute, if the scientific community rejects her research despite her data being valid, its the believers who look bad because the other side is too yellow to accept her work because of the subject matter, that's what I'm hearing mostly. At least it's my take or at the very least a possibility.
    1 point
  5. I propose that sasquatch habitat is the opposite of what ancestrel humans have used and lived in for millenia. That is why we still have some of them. We are naked, lovers of open spaces, lovers of daylight, get cold easily, are small and fragile They are huge and well covered with hair, prone to heat stress, lovers of dense cover, much less gregarious, always know where they are located, avoid open areas for living or travel, lover the dark and hate the light of day, and on and on. Human niche and sasquatch niche are opposite for living off the land. Humans are made for persistance hunting on the more terrestrial open areas of the earth. Humans are hunters by nature and by history. Sasquatch are hunters by nature and by history, so we had to survive in two entirely different environs. What brings us together to startle each of us at times is that the prey species we prefer enjoy life at the edge of both of our environs. We generally avoid sasquatch habitat as humans when hiking through the mountains, as we use the more open drainages for travel, not the deep forest where we have to step over deadfalls every few feet or so. We travel human trails almost exclusively by habit and you can bet that sasquatch know where every human trail is located and even when most likely that humans will be using them. In my opinion, sasquatch are so good at patterning the daily and seasonal movements of their prey species that they are also extremely keen at patterning the movements of humans on a daily and seasonal level. The best way to find sasquatch habitat is to map out where humans live and travel by road or human foot-trails and subtract that from your map. Then subtract another 1/2 mile in all directions from those areas you have just mapped. Then subract all habitat with vegetative cover less than 10 feet tall from your map. Then subtract all areas with cover more than 10 feet tall, but that are not more than 1/2 mile wide, such as tree cover along drainages spilling out onto the plains of eastern Colorado. Subtract all areas of high heat in summertime, though some may be used in winter (remember that very large animals are prone to heat stress). Human housing additions in full forest areas are not good for sasquatch. Humans building in those areas will also eventually wish they hadn't when forest fires come along. Fires and logging are good for ungulates in the Rockies, when the logging is done in moderation and allowed to regrow to that height required for cover. Some of the best ungulate habitat for hunting for them by humans and sasquatch are in those areas of regrowth from fire or regrowth from logging, though humans retire to their open areas and sasquatch retire to their heavy cover areas after the hunt. Even the cattle and sheep of humans do not venture into sasquatch bedding habitat, though they are all through he edges of it, just as we are wandering around the edges. Overlaying a topo map with a birds eye google earth map and seeing where humans travel and where real forest is located can give you a great idea of where sasquatch can live, once one knows they are our opposites. Put dots on the map as far from any area you have subtracted to find core areas of sasquatch, i.e. their nursery bedding areas. Home sweet home. Just like your home. Safe from harm. Squatch have to come to the edges of their bedding habitat for hunting, just as we go the the edges of our bedding habitat for hunting. We meet at the edges sometimes, by accident. I am convinced, no simple guessing, that sasquatch know more about our habits than we know about theirs. That is the way their brains are tuned. It is all about patterning movements for them. They may not use fire, or need hunting tools, but they are far from stupid. They are mentally sharp the way they have to be mentally sharp. They may only have the braincase the size of a gorilla, according to the anatomy sculptures I am doing on the Patterson film subject, but don't underestimate their woodsavy and humansavy. I've always said that a puma with the brain of a chimpanzee would still be an undiscovered animal. Squatch are better than that, I propose. Grizzlies are extremely stupid by comparison to a chimpanzee or even a puma, but still may be extant in Colorado, being detected officially every 30-50 years or so. Talk about inbreeding. There is some discussion on inbreeding by science and by sasquatcheers. I have studied the subject somewhat and think no one knows the truth of the full matter. It is still a "far from known science" the exact results of such bottlenecks, even if some in science may make bold claims on the negative influence of the genetic consequences. I know of a case where a human brother and sister bred and produced 5 offspring, 2 were severely mentally disabled, 1 was moderately mentally disabled and 2 were top of their class mentally. Actually the two that were top of the class mentally were really, really mentally sharp, beyond normal. I grew up with those persons in fact. What's up with that??? In my opinion, God makes a way. As far as the braincase of a sasquatch being smaller apparently than human and in a pattern completely different than we have, in regards to intelligence, forget the idea that bigger is better in many cases. Squatch are smart the way they have to be smart. Survival, survival, survival. When a coronal mass ejection of the sun takes out all of your electricity for years and you have to survive no fuel, and try to find food for yourself and offspring, who wins? Sasquatch will have a real advantage over you. Who is smart and who is stupid?
    1 point
  6. Time for a reality check........... Eating primates may be apart of MANY cultures in the world........but it's not an American trait. If there was? The South American monkey black market meat would be more profitable than cocaine. So we do not have to worry to much about Bubba and his buddies getting help from states to legally shoot Sasquatch so they can hold a mother of all BBQ's with kinfolk. Besides if they were deer hunting and they saw Bigfoot they would be shooting anyhow......so the reality of the situation is that with ONE body we could have protection for these animals. Secondly.........do you really believe that if we shot and killed a bipedal north American ape.......that science would continue killing them in the THOUSANDS to study them? Really? I don't.
    1 point
  7. I hate to be a stickler here, but that is an assumption on your part. Sure, that could be the case, but that's not what the lady put in her press release. So, proof of the discovery of a previously unknown creature rests on the discovery of another possibly unknown creature? Brilliant!
    1 point
  8. I diagree with everything you said. We've been told, ad nauseum, by the mass of skeptics that seeing isn't believing. That witness reports are notoriously inaccurate even when trained people, such as a law enforcement, are the witness. "We need proof!", we were told. Now we have DNA. Having said that, the proof isn't the DNA alone. We have DNA in addition to hair samples, video, audio, footprints and witness reports by gazillion.
    1 point
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