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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2012 in all areas

  1. Grayjay, Just so you know, this is NOT true. Melba didn't go to Arla's property at all. This is indeed false as I know the exact story from both Melba and Arla. Melba was with Alra, but never has she been to her property. I would also like to make sure you know, I made sure it was OK with one of the indivduals here to clarify that fact here before my response. You can PM me with any questions. KB OK, Melissa,I have known you for a long time and I am not calling you out but, this statement above is false too. Thom is NOT aligned with Melba, nor Melba with Thom. That can't be further than the truth. As with the last clarification. I asked Thom about clarifying this here on the forum prior to this post. You can PM me as well if you need more information. Thanks, KB
    3 points
  2. She sounds technically sophisticated enough to be in the game to find the right people to do what needed to be done, if she couldn't do it herself. We shall see. I choose to disagree with your "facts".
    2 points
  3. Perhaps he doesn't care for the taste of crow.....
    2 points
  4. Melissa, I discussed this in length with Arla. Melba went WITH Arla to a property, but NOT her property.Oh, and Melba didn't come to the conference but did it by phone instead. Maybe the confusion was from the fact the phone conversation was not as clear. Of this I can absolutely verify and will if you want. Also, yes Melba told me the story as well on PM's on FB. I have that in her text to me and I can ask her to copy and paste if you want. I actually texted Arla prior to stating this to make sure she was OK with me setting the record straight. She said please do. PM me if you want to discuss further. I can give you phone numbers to call and get the facts correct if you want. Rock on! KB
    1 point
  5. Kings Canyon brings up a good point on what a sasquatch can do when it wants to as far as getting close to humans and using whatever available cover is available. I suppose I see real sasquatch habitat as the places they can raise offspring in relative safety. Much needed, just like your house is needed, even though you leave your house to pursue work and to pursue other activities. Squatch of course go searching for food, be it prey or be it trash if they have to resort to it. They go where they have to go, even if it is in human habitat. When I looked at the route taken by that large sasquatch in 2001 along the Eagle River, I was amazed how brazen was it's route. It had followed the river from the Gypsum area all the way through the city of Eagle down on the river. Most likely at night, but still there were likely cars whizzing along the interstate not far away and homes within a stones throw along much of it's route. It obviously was also walking in and out of the water at times, brrrr, early spring melt. I spoke with Vern Parsons of Grand Junction, who with his son found the western most known edge of the line of tracks near Gypsum and with Bill Brice, who found the eastern most portion of the line of tracks just east of Eagle on the south side of the River. I'm pretty sure the tracks were made the same night along that route and separated by about 7 miles. All persons who found the tracks were fishing for brown trout, which bite pretty good that time of year. My full evaluation of the tracks, based on interviews and the tracks themselves is quite long and not something one could put on a forum, but I am convinced completely that the 19 inch tracks were very real. It is just amazing for this person who prior to 1993 was a bonifide complete skeptic in the matter. Though I tagged sasquatch habitat as those places needed for reproduction and peace for the big critters, I would not at all be surprised if a sasquatch came into the residential areas of Colorado Springs on it's western edges to take home one of those residential mule deer from somebodies lawn. Cougars doing that would not surprise me either. Actually, some of the highest density cougar and bear populations in Colorado are right there next door to Colorado Springs due to the prey species there, plus trash for bears and maybe sasquatch. Sad to me when bears or sasquatch have to dumpster dive. I wonder about human disease transmission to sasquatch in close proximity to man, but then since they don't even really exist, why worry. It must have been somebody else in regards to sasquatch and peanut butter in Montana. My eldest son lives near Kalispel, so I get up there quite a bit, but have no input from that state. Actually seems pretty devoid of much activity for sasquatch, but maybe only because there are such vast forest spaces where they don't have to get seen by humans much at all. Wolves now are also putting great pressures on the ungulates in some good supposed sasquatch habitat areas of Montana. Wolves seem especially to like elk, as elk are slower than deer in escape. I kind of wondered about wolves being a very direct competitor for sasquatch, which may explain the seeming sasquatch apparant disdain for dogs. One of the Colorado sightings down in the south end of the San Luis Valley in the December 93 and January 94 timeframe had to do with a german shepard being killed and slammed against it's owners house, thrown more than 30 feet through the air after dispatch, and the dogs body thrown over a 6 foot fence. No one, including me, is any kind of expert on sasquatch. If I don't use the words, maybe, perhaps, supposedly, I theorize, and such enough, I should. I also want you to know that I am a long ways from having answers even I am pleased with. I have studied deeply every aspect of the subject I deem relevant, historical and contemporary. I really value the personal interviews with some of the hunting guides and reluctant Colorado residents I have made through the years. Most of them are interviews that no one will see. I also base all my theories on only areas of North America where tracks that I personally deem genuine have occurred. I simply throw out all sightings where I can not see physical evidence left behind in some form or another. Maybe extreme, but it gets me closer to what I want to know. Not that I have to see tracks at the location of a sighting itself, but that I need to know that sasquatch are even in the area itself. I have also a number of law enforcement sightings in Colorado that I have found, and can not share due to the fact these guys have their jobs to protect. They have to survive and some story hitting the news is not good for them. Just have to trust me, sasquatch has been seen by a number of professional law enforcement officers in Colorado. The Eagle County tracks opened up some doors for me that I had not expected. The more recent report from a law enforcement officer in Conejos County as placed on the BFRO was only about 3 or 4 miles from where I found tracks in 1993. However, I did not interview him and know no more about the incident than what is on the BFRO website. I am not a BFRO investigator at present, though was for a short period. I have other pretty good personal sighting evidence from law enforcement in Conejos County 2, Park County 1, and Eagle County 3, and have to leave it at that. The 3 from Eagle County were all one incident, so maybe should only count as 1, not as any kind of "population of sasquatch" data. I'm also pretty sure we only scratch the surface of the sighting data. I had a farmer that I was advising on what herbicides to use on some pasture who mentioned that he was recently in Colorado for a month and was doing a daily 7 mile hike along some forest roads and trails. I ask him if he had ever seen any bear or cougar tracks on his daily hike and his answer was no. But then, out of the blue he says, I have a good friend who saw a "giant hairy man" cross in front of his car on the Pass between Walsenburg and Fort Garland. I said "you mean a sasquatch?", he says "a what?", so I said, "you know, a bigfoot". He said "what's a bigfoot?". Seriously, this guy had never even heard of bigfoot. Guess some people don't even watch any television or read the newspapers. Here was a guy who had never heard of a bigfoot, and his friend had never heard of a bigfoot and just called it a "giant hairy man". I don't know what is more mysterious, the two guys that had never heard of bigfoot, or bigfoot itself.
    1 point
  6. So with the latest Ketchum release, has it changed your opinion on what sasquatch is? For me I'm reconsidering the one-kill policy to no-kill. I'm also thinking that if they're near-human or human, they could very well comprehend language. I'm also thinking that there was genetic tinkering involved...but that's something better left for the Tar Pit.
    1 point
  7. At least there won't be any Balkans posting...
    1 point
  8. Yeah, and you should try to moderate this thread!
    1 point
  9. Even if the paper comes out and is false, BF is real and numerous fine members of this board have indisputably seen it, some either multiple times or multiple individuals in one sighting. Some people on staff even. Remember that!
    1 point
  10. A lot of Ketchums past comments are coming back to bite her. The media has already gotten hold of her past promises that the paper would be released "soon." In addition, some of her associates, such as her new spokesperson, are coming off like "kooks." Her credibility is taking a beating because of these people. Anybody with a computer and a WiFi connection can Google these names and the results are not very flattering. I don't know which one is worse, the Russian scientist or the spokesperson. She really should have picked somebody else to handle her publicity. To add insult to injury, the "Angel DNA" has already made it into the media. I really hope she's being published by a reputable journal and can back up her statements with her study. Otherwise, the damage done to the credibility of this subject will make the Georgia hoax look like it never even happened. Hold on to your hats as the ride is about to get rough.
    1 point
  11. He desparaged Igor for posting his info, calls the publicist, talks to her at length, and all he can relate is that she talks to bigfoot. Do you think he would have told us all what Journal and publish date if he got those answers? You don't see his play here?
    1 point
  12. Perhaps I am daft, but whay would anyone in their right of left mind be searching for Bigfoot ??? Clearly Sasquach is a form of human, more closely related to the american indian... It has been my experiance that these bush people, tend to be very social, in that they walk with impunity from the arctic circle to the tip of south america, and from the beaches of California to the Forests of Main... It could just be me, but if the TV Show BIGFOOT SEARCH ever dose find and tape a sasquach, it will be Game Over for them, so they are only really into bait and switch, what if's, and or cliff hangers... It is a well proven fact, that chasing or harassing Bigfoot at night or any other time is a great way to get yourself dead... As I have stated, Bigfoot or Sasquach is a social sort, and if they have a mind to, They will come to you... This has been my experiance eversince I moved into their back yard...
    1 point
  13. E.G.: "Hairs retrieved from a bush in 1968 near Riggins, Idaho were given to Roy Pinker, a police science instructor at California State University, Los Angeles. Pinker concluded that the hair samples did not match any samples from known animal species. Pinker also stated that he could not attribute them as being Bigfoot hairs without a bonafide Bigfoot hair sample to compare to. Hair samples were also taken from a house located on the Lummi Indian reservation in Washington. Three more samples were retrieved from Maryland, Oregon and California. Forensic Anthropologist Dr. Ellis R. Kerley and Physical Anthropologist Dr. Stephen Rosen of the University of Maryland, as well as Tom Moore, the Supervisor of the Wyoming Game and Fish Laboratory, examined the hair samples and stated that all the hair samples matched in terms of belonging to a "non species specific mammal". They concurred in finding that the four sets matched each other, were similar to gorilla and human but were neither, and they did not match 84 other species of North American mammals.5" http://www.bigfoot-lives.com/html/other_forms_of_bigfoot_evidenc.html Is it possible not everyone writes everything up?
    1 point
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