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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2012 in all areas

  1. Melissa, I discussed this in length with Arla. Melba went WITH Arla to a property, but NOT her property.Oh, and Melba didn't come to the conference but did it by phone instead. Maybe the confusion was from the fact the phone conversation was not as clear. Of this I can absolutely verify and will if you want. Also, yes Melba told me the story as well on PM's on FB. I have that in her text to me and I can ask her to copy and paste if you want. I actually texted Arla prior to stating this to make sure she was OK with me setting the record straight. She said please do. PM me if you want to discuss further. I can give you phone numbers to call and get the facts correct if you want. Rock on! KB
    2 points
  2. I've spent quite abit of time in Idaho and Montana and this recording sounds like a group of timber wolves to me.
    1 point
  3. So it is said by the great skeptical scientist. I hope that sinks in around here. You've switched arguments from "she isn't qualified to interpret human DNA" to "she isn't qualified to ID new uncatalogued species DNA" . Truth is she's done alot of work on both human and animal DNA, been involved with genome studies, identified criminals, 911 victums, animal and human paternity, etc etc etc. The fact you wouldn't choose her to do this study is irrelavant.
    1 point
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