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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2012 in all areas

  1. You don't get the picture because you're picturing them all neatly tucked away in remote wilderness. That's not how it is. I know it by knowing dozens of people who also have them regularly visiting their homes, some very close to towns. These people all know others, that I don't know, who are having the same experiences. And the others know others. I think there are hundreds, if not thousands of us. As many insults as you constantly dish out, you should not be surprised to get a few back now & then. I've been reading your insults all this week, although I haven't recently been the recipient until today. Reap what you sow, & all that. Saying that "I don't believe you" & then hiding behind "But I'm not calling you a liar" is still an insult. I'm getting tired of ignoring insults. If you don't subscribe to a position, why do you feel the need to insinuate that the person who has it is either lying or crazy? I've been told more than once, & probably a few of them were you that told me, that I should keep my "fanciful stories" to myself. It seems to be irritating some members here to no end, & goodness knows that I just hate to be irritating. So, no, I wouldn't like to.
    2 points
  2. I think you don't quite get the picture. After being surrounded, watched, & used as a pet by them for upwards of 7years, I find it hard to believe that there are any that are over a month old that don't know about us. They communicate & travel. They know.
    2 points
  3. Why do you care? This incident has absolutely nothing to do with the overall investigation, it is merely a distraction. I may have missed it somewhere, but I don't recall that anyone in the TBRC stated that they shot a fleeing vehicle, paid anyone for damages, or anything remotely like that. I do recall in the telling, that after one incident where shots had been fired, that a vehicle was soon seen beating a hasty retreat from the area. Beyond that, if you are questioning the truthfulness of TBRC members, I seriously doubt they would admit to an unfortunate accident such as that (if those claims were made) unless it were the truth. While I have no facts to support my belief, growing up in a rural environment, I feel fairly confident stating that since automobiles were invented there have been a fair share of them accidentally shot by stray rounds or even purposefully. While it may shock and horrify many in today's litigious society where many are seeking to place blame or file lawsuits, accidents do happen despite all reasonable efforts to avoid them. Area X is not in a urbanized area where gunfire can automatically cause a police response, damages to property, or potential loss of life. The rules in rural areas are much different. In places like that, gunfire happens, a round goes stray and accidentally hits a somebodys truck a 1/2 mile away. Owner gets mad. Not much you can do if you didn't witness it and it wasn't deliberate. Police presence? On the other side of the county...if there is any at all. May not be ideal, but in many places in this big country of ours, that's the risk you run of being in a rural area. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, well...that's the chance you take. Life sucks sometimes. So I'm back to...why do you care? Methinks you are 1) Trying to discredit TBRC; 2) Trying to root out where Area X is so you can try to be a jerk by exposing it, thus contaminating the area; 3) Trying to root out where Area X is so you can go snoop around yourself; 3) an ambulance chasing lawyer; 4) Trying to stir up s***. So which is it? Otherwise, this incident you mention is really not important at all.
    1 point
  4. Time will tell, when the study comes out. I do think Dr K has a definitive opinion of where and what the species actually is and where it falls on the tree of life. Also though It is my belief she has done proper due diligence in reference to this process and it will show in fact that what she claims in the conservative sense is accurate. Now already we have had the study and the players eviscerated by her contemporaries and much of the media. My feel is that she has presented in a very confident manner which is a tell to me that she may have a deeper ace in the hole, and wouldn't it be just something if the work is rejected and Dr K dejected only to come up with an actual body...oh man oh man this is gonna get good. Her language regarding constitutional consideration and some of the other leaked comments as well as the non-disclosures leads that she has the silver bullet and is keeping her sidearm holstered for now. Well see if I'm correct soon. Me thinks the Dr Ms and Moneymakers of the world should hope their words are sweet and tasty because soon they may have to eat them.Some of these guys remind me of that Cindi Lauper tune True Colors Oh they are shining through alright...
    1 point
  5. I don't think Meldrum can be considered a mainstream scientist. I would contend those at his university that attempted to have his tenure revoked would be more representative of mainstream scientists.
    1 point
  6. When you can't find a single deviation that is not known in humans, and when it's best match aligns with some human haplogroup. They would be a great ape like us, but if there are no known mutations that are only found in the other non-human apes then they are pure human.
    1 point
  7. I suspect there are individuals who travel from group to group and serve as the postal sytem, necessity being the mother of invention.
    1 point
  8. I 100% believe no picture or film will be good enough for classification. Even with "unknown" primate DNA. Thus the need for a body. Some clear pics,I believe, as Bobby stated would move some fence sitters over. It also may clarify some longer range sightings for some people that aren't willing to take the leap publicly with what they've seen. It also may get more mainstream scientists to take a look if there is some good DNA. In other words I don't think they (pictures) would hurt anything.I'm only posting a little photography related stuff in a couple threads because there seems to be a widespread misconception about what game cams and cheap cameras are capable of. As to game cams, I've put entirely too much money in that trash can. I find them as useless as teets on a bore hog for taking pictures of what you want pictures of. Although in the proper scenario they may be able to be used tactically for BF. What I have faith in proving Sasquatch is real... Nosler, Barnes, Sierra, Hornady, etc. Or somebody stumbling across a dead one. Then the body not disappearing. Another problem (among many) with a photo is depth of field issues. Shooting at a high F-stop (low number) creates the need for very accurate focus. When stopped down (high F #) you reduce the depth of field so focus is not as critical but your shutter speed slows down. That creates the need for a very steady camera (especially in low light). Without EXIF data this makes recreations extremely difficult. It would take a lot more than the halfhearted attempts at recreations I've seen on various shows and described in various forums. What I'm getting at is that with everything it takes to get a good clear photo or video there is a much better chance of a bullet giving us a good clear look at a Sasquatch that would be hard to cry hoax at. I agree with what has been said about the emotions involved for an unsuspecting witness and that not everybody is trying to prove it. Then I factor in that most people don't realize they are going to be treated as crazy or a liar until after they tell somebody...
    1 point
  9. MM is a smart guy who no doubt is knowledgeable, but his attitude that blatantly and repeatedly disrespects others who disagree with him is disgusting. Go to the BFF 1.0 archives, this isn't the first time he has behaved like this. His character assassinations need to stop. This isn't some legal banter in a courtroom (where he holds no license to practice law). He has the art of alienation down to a science, and now seems to have isolated himself from those closest to him.
    1 point
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