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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Why do you care? This incident has absolutely nothing to do with the overall investigation, it is merely a distraction. I may have missed it somewhere, but I don't recall that anyone in the TBRC stated that they shot a fleeing vehicle, paid anyone for damages, or anything remotely like that. I do recall in the telling, that after one incident where shots had been fired, that a vehicle was soon seen beating a hasty retreat from the area. Beyond that, if you are questioning the truthfulness of TBRC members, I seriously doubt they would admit to an unfortunate accident such as that (if those claims were made) unless it were the truth. While I have no facts to support my belief, growing up in a rural environment, I feel fairly confident stating that since automobiles were invented there have been a fair share of them accidentally shot by stray rounds or even purposefully. While it may shock and horrify many in today's litigious society where many are seeking to place blame or file lawsuits, accidents do happen despite all reasonable efforts to avoid them. Area X is not in a urbanized area where gunfire can automatically cause a police response, damages to property, or potential loss of life. The rules in rural areas are much different. In places like that, gunfire happens, a round goes stray and accidentally hits a somebodys truck a 1/2 mile away. Owner gets mad. Not much you can do if you didn't witness it and it wasn't deliberate. Police presence? On the other side of the county...if there is any at all. May not be ideal, but in many places in this big country of ours, that's the risk you run of being in a rural area. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, well...that's the chance you take. Life sucks sometimes. So I'm back to...why do you care? Methinks you are 1) Trying to discredit TBRC; 2) Trying to root out where Area X is so you can try to be a jerk by exposing it, thus contaminating the area; 3) Trying to root out where Area X is so you can go snoop around yourself; 3) an ambulance chasing lawyer; 4) Trying to stir up s***. So which is it? Otherwise, this incident you mention is really not important at all.
    2 points
  2. Here's what John Hawks said... "“One benefit of the world of genetics as opposed to traditional anthropology: The original sequence data must be made available to the public. No data, no discovery.†Here's what Steve Novella said... “The bottom line is this,†he wrote. “Human DNA plus some anomalies or unknowns does not equal an impossible human-ape hybrid. It equals human DNA plus some anomalies.†That's is not calling someone a fraud.
    1 point
  3. Maybe he is right, but he could be more level-headed about it and not resort to character assasination. That makes me question his character. And not allowing any discussion on it at their forum is abit over the top and no way to move the issue forward. Also, like the others, I'd like to know who these scientists are that are calling her a fraud.
    1 point
  4. I have no idea. I assume they are the same peers that everybody has been waiting on to review it for the past 346 pages of this thread.
    1 point
  5. I haven't seen anybody speculating that it could have been much harder than she anticipated to get "peers" to take the study seriously. After all the snickering, eye rolling, & lame attempts at comedy demonstrated by the media since the press release, it occurred to me that she may have received that sort of reaction when it was submitted for peer review. Perhaps the "serious scientists" were all afraid of being laughed at for even considering it. A lot of time may have been wasted trying to find peers with enough guts to actually review her findings.
    1 point
  6. I think it was brilliant on the part of Dr. Ketchum to require NDA's from everyone and to keep everything on the low-low for as long as she did. This maintained the status quo of the bigfoot world being perceived as a bunch of crazies by the mainstream media. As a result, she was able to complete her work. As is want to happen, unforeseen circumstances occurred, not the least of which was the Sierra Kills. Fast forward to today and while we are all on the edge of our seats waiting for the outcome, we can clearly see what is already happening. The disinformation campaign begun awhile ago is in full swing. Contamination invalidates the result! The BBB rating indicates Dr. Ketchum is unreliable! BFRO didn't believe Biscardi and the body hoax, so don't believe Dr. Ketchum 'cause we say so! Newspapers pick up on the AP feed and publish inane articles ridiculing the concept of bigfoot. TV news treats it tongue in cheek. Even the name bigfoot is ridiculous! Hybridization?. Then the Tabloid headlines "I was Bigfoot's Love Slave" are true! Just think back to the past and how the mainstream media signed on to other disinformation campaigns. The Tonkin Gulf Incident and JFK and the single bullet being the most obvious examples. My most fervent wish is that Jusitn Smeja is smarter than we all think and had the foresight to take the little one's body, stash it in the back of his pickup, preserve it in a safe place and keep his mouth shut about it until the time is right. In any event, now it is too late for anyone or anything to prevent information in the form of Dr. Ketchum's DNA analysis from getting out to the public. Surely there was influence on certain journals not to publish. But now it is too late and it will be published soon, just as Dr. Ketchum said. Now that the fiscal cliff and the Middle East are all anyone is really concerned with (and we should be) existence of Sasquatch (and its variations) will come out as fact because those that have suppressed this information for decades are either all dead, or buried so deep in the bureaucracy that no one knows about them or cares anymore. I have no inside info. JMHO. Stay strong Dr. Ketchum. You are a hero.
    1 point
  7. C'mon people, Tim just likes to play the devil's advocate to try to get under our skins.
    1 point
  8. My circumcision is booked for next Wednesday. I don't see what this has to do with Bigfoot though.
    1 point
  9. Haha, thanks ! That was my first substantive post, and I was nervous about making it,
    1 point
  10. You don't get the picture because you're picturing them all neatly tucked away in remote wilderness. That's not how it is. I know it by knowing dozens of people who also have them regularly visiting their homes, some very close to towns. These people all know others, that I don't know, who are having the same experiences. And the others know others. I think there are hundreds, if not thousands of us. As many insults as you constantly dish out, you should not be surprised to get a few back now & then. I've been reading your insults all this week, although I haven't recently been the recipient until today. Reap what you sow, & all that. Saying that "I don't believe you" & then hiding behind "But I'm not calling you a liar" is still an insult. I'm getting tired of ignoring insults. If you don't subscribe to a position, why do you feel the need to insinuate that the person who has it is either lying or crazy? I've been told more than once, & probably a few of them were you that told me, that I should keep my "fanciful stories" to myself. It seems to be irritating some members here to no end, & goodness knows that I just hate to be irritating. So, no, I wouldn't like to.
    1 point
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