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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2012 in all areas

  1. You're not going anywhere Mulder till we have ourselves a big party. Skeptics invited, Crow apetizers, the whole bit. LOL
    4 points
  2. On the Finding Bigfoot Willow Creek episode he did say he was glad he didn't shoot her.. I'd like to ask him if he would have felt differently if it was Bob H in the suit...
    1 point
  3. What's there to lose??? My temper & my sanity. What's there to gain? Nothin'. Ask Melissa how she enjoyed her recent "show the picture" adventure.
    1 point
  4. I recorded this on November 17th: https://www.box.com/s/3l8ltbkn08yvmuogugfx So yes, I think we can talk to them.
    1 point
  5. Do you take back your statement that you never held the camera? If not, who was holding the camera in this scene?
    1 point
  6. Wud, yes they did! They had a great thermal hit of a bipedal hominid. It just so happened to be Cliff, but it was enough to get the crew excited for a moment! KB
    1 point
  7. I really do wish my eyes had been deceiving me. But I was too close and there was too much light for that to happen. As far as making it up, all I can tell you is that the idea of 'BF does not exist' is the story that is made up. We all know the problems of trying to prove BF- this site is based on that discussion! But if it ever works out that life throws you the curve ball that forces you to change your opinion (as that is precisely what it is) then you will know what I mean when I say that it does not matter what you think, all that can go out the window when you are confronted with the reality. I've often wished I had somehow managed to take a photo, but from what I have seen on this site its pretty obvious that it would not have mattered. There will always be someone to try to take it apart, and I think that will continue to be true even if the gov't or other respected body finally announced that BF was real based on 'real evidence'. People would still doubt it- that is the nature of cognitive dissonance, our ability to hang on to made up stories even in the face of a possibly dangerous truth (perhaps, *because* of the possibly dangerous truth...).
    1 point
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