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  1. Her lab doesn't and never did do whole genome sequencing. That is done by expensive machines these days. So go ahead and believe what you want, It's all posturing at this point. When the cards get played, I think you'll be folding.
    2 points
  2. Hello All; My first post on this forum so mercy for the NOOB if I seem a bit out there. I'm honored to be in touch with so many researchers and notables in the Bigfoot field. From a gamer perspective this would be like hanging with Will Wright/Cliff Blezinske or Miyamoto. I came across this forum at pg 291. Which was just before the Ketchum press release. La tempistica è tutto for sure. Before digging up this log I got my bigfoot updates from the Robert lindsay blog. Now I can get an update without having to take a shower after ;-) I did notice that reading this blog there's many similarities between the different bigfoot camps/ sport team fans/ufo camps and video console fanboys. To me it seems that some are missing the big picture because you are sitting too close to the tv. I believe the Ketchum study is a watershed event. Not just in the crypto field but a tipping point for people readjusting to take in a broader view of realities existing on this planet. Personally I really hope that Melba nails this but she's not the only one with an iron in the fire. You know Sykes didn't get involved in BF studies to lose status in academia. He knew something was here before he decided to get involved. So IMO even if Ketchum’s study doesn't publish or folks slam the results and her methods, it doesn't stop progress. The snowball has started rolling downhill and can only avalanche from this point forward. Sykes has his study in the batter's box and other members here have samples being studied for their DNA properties. Y'all have more experience in this field than me. Do any of you recall a time where at least three different DNA reports were about to publish in a six month period??? These studies will all make headlines. Headlines make money. I've heard Dr Meldrum is having trouble getting funding for his aerial BF reconnaissance mission. He won't have any issues like that after the headlines these studies will produce. They say the NFL is a copycat league. Well so is academia. After these studies publish, every state university where the woods are squatchy is going to launch their own study and kick themselves for not doing so sooner. John Q Public will say wait a minute if BF exists and we didn't see it because we had blinders on, what else is going on around me? We have very exciting times ahead of us. Many thanks to everyone here who has spent so much of their time, effort and $$$ to bring these new studies to us. Connaissance et Raison Changent comme les saisons Une promende pour le Fou du Roi
    1 point
  3. This is like watching a multicourt tennis practice. Twelve people on three different courts hitting three balls back and forth. At the end of the day it was all just practice.
    1 point
  4. Um..Excuse me but isn't that basically what MK did when she came forward recently?
    1 point
  5. Oh please enough with the melodramatics. Isn't it enough that the lot of society in general already think the whole idea of BF is nuts. Imagine their horror to find out there are communities of people who actually know/believe they exist and that we don't actually have to take meds and lights out in the east wing at 10:00. The truth is the truth no matter what is proven, and personally I have been patiently waiting since 1968 for solid evidence. I more want to see Bf proven to shut up the naysayers and the tongue in cheekers, however I am not convinced that will be enough. This will not harm the Bigfoot community in any way...however it might harm the individuals whom have put the data forward if it is not what it is rumored to be. In all reality this thread should have died down since now we wait, yet instead there is this ferver ensuing. Egos, insecurities, power plays, selfishness, wild opinion, speculation, ad hominem attacks, these are the contents of the lot of this thread. Just relax and be patient no one is going to POP as we wait.
    1 point
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