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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2012 in all areas

  1. Well no wonder he's flippin' dead then.
    1 point
  2. So Bigtex, I guess you would rather see the mystery continue forever. You don't want BF to be discovered. I don't understand that, it makes no sense unless you want to play researcher forever. The government will impose controls, but no different than the ones we have now. Most of the territory these animals live in, if they exist, are already protected in national parks and the like. They seem to be ok now, without any intervention. I disagree. If BF is ever proven to be an extant animal, this forum and many others will explode with people wanting to learn more about it. You and I and every member knows all about it, but that is only about 5000 people, there is 200 million who will want more info once it's "discovered".
    1 point
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