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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2012 in all areas

  1. Sorry guys, didn't expect to work today and I've been real busy. Will try to chime in when I can but please be patient as I also have two little ones and a wife with a bad head cold. Let me start by saying that I think the odds of finding a piece of black bear within 70 yds (downhill) of where the purported shooting took place 5 weeks later even with a bloodhound informally trained to smell for bear (if story true, would not have found tissue without help of dog), is still a huge, huge stretch. I would not argue against that as I’m no hypocrite and I lecture all the time about the black bear population in CA and how I’ve never found remains in the thousands of acres I’ve hiked day and night. However, there’s alot more remarkable coincidences in his favor that most people aren’t even aware of yet and that should be considered before running to conclusions here. In addition, we may have evidence that proves both guys were back at the site (many said they never made that trip) when they said they were and recovered tissue. If we do, we'll likely share that soon. That needs to be verified however. For anyone questioning my relationship with Justin that developed over the process of the last 1 ½ years thanks to his cooperation, our mutual interests, life parallels (young families, Justin’s brother is deaf, my two children are genetically deaf and implanted) etc… and which I’m not ashamed of by any means….. please go read Tyler’s blog piece on why he believes Justin (I concur 100%) and remember that this is not shocking news by any means to me and Tyler because I gave this sample less than a 20% chance in the first place (due to circumstances and recognition state-timing) of being what they thought it was. The times that changed were during processing when we could get periodic updates you'll see throuh the emails that ave us some hope. Please don’t take my word for it on my pessimism of the tissue “today†after testing..... go through numerous interviews and comments I’ve made going back over a year where I stated clearly and cautioned you “yesterday.†Now consider from MY perspective that I’ve personally eavesdropped on both witnesses intimately discussing the events of that day previously without their knowledge (when they physically brought me boots and flesh), I interviewed Jack off the cuff, unexpectedly, for three hrs with no time to prepare or rehearse, Justin passed a polygraph I know “he†believes he couldn’t lie and beat and he did it 100%, I got thermal footage 23 months later (will be out soon) within hundreds of yards from where he claimed to shoot them and that includes 6 witnesses and tall those who worked on re-creations independently who know those bipeds in footage are not humans coming out of the woodwork at 1:30 AM and moving through treeline with no light source, (analysis will be on target), precipitating that event was activity two weeks prior (no one thought the site was active) where 5 witnesses were present and back him all the way based on them being terrorized around the tree-line (same spot I caught and filmed them two weeks later). In addition, Justin did everything he could to protect what he believed was a viable tissue sample including package it into smaller pieces and hide pieces in case of emergency (unlike what “somebody†else wanted him to do), Justin could’ve hid behind Ketchum’s claimed results on the Sierra’s tissue and kept quiet and not do anything…instead he did and pushed for independent testing (more information will be shared on this soon). I can go on all day long… including all the people in his life I’ve met and talked to who are convinced of this event happening. The area where Justin lives in East Sacramento is like a second home to me as my aunt (dad’s sister) and her 6 children (all older and married) live throughout the East Sac valley not to mention countless friends of mine reside there, so I’m up often and have been my whole life. Point is I don’t have to justify why I think he’s likely being truthful and has been, I am because I know there’s a lot of misperceptions on who said or did what and information most people haven’t had an opportunity to analyze because they haven’t understandably been privy to it. Bottom line as I’ve said from day one to those who would listen, doesn’t matter what “I†or anyone else “thinks,†what matters is, does the evidence corroborate the claimed event and if it doesn’t, the incident will be forever anecdotal….period. So far it appears it hasn’t with the “circumstantial†evidence, now we’ll go after the “non-circumstantial†(boots) and go from there. Tyler and I put a lot of time and effort into this (especially Tyler) and of course we hoped the tissue would turn out differently, but we can only go with the results we have from both labs. Maybe Melba knows something we don’t and she’s going to come in and trump these labs based on the supposed extensive testing she did. I assure you we’d put personal feelings aside and be on cloud nine…especially Justin. Not holding my breath and everything will make sense from our perspective here really soon that really made independent testing critical from our standpoint. She alone is responsible for that mistrust that was created. Regardless of what you think about Justin, we may not have these results if it weren’t for him coming to us with the information he did after an exchange with Ketchum. If Justin was just some hoaxer, he would’ve been better off shutting his mouth and riding it out with Ketchum, not unilaterally requesting testing elsewhere where he would surely be risking much if he was wrong on his suspicion about the origin of the tissue (people falsely perceive this as “contradictory evidenceâ€). That should’ve been a clue to many of you guys that something was really odd.
    2 points
  2. Where in the world are people getting out of this that it's a bear/human hybrid? Come on folks let's use some reading comprehension skills shall we.... Obviously there is something amiss with either the sample or the testing by one or the other or both parties. Let's just wait and see and stop assigning motives that are quite honestly just somebodies personal speculation. All this fanciful thinking is silly to be honest. Just wait and we'll all find out soon. The report is either going to come out in a journal soon or be posted online somewhere else.
    1 point
  3. Hmmm..Smeja just happened to find a dead bear where he said the dead BF was? Yeah, right.
    1 point
  4. Why are we discussing the Huggins report in the Ketchum Report thread? They are two separate reports? Tim B.
    1 point
  5. It seems they were transparent. I dont know the backstory on why they tested it, but its good to know. While they dont dispute the story, they are in no position to dispute it either. Unless there are factual errors in tha blog post, I'd suggest the account is 99% disproven with what I read.
    1 point
  6. Isolated group of who/what? Can you provide a link? Sorry, who assured him, and how? Can you substantiate that? Or did he claim that? I heard him specifically say in an interview that he let the baby BF die in his arms. I dont think you can really tiptoe around that one. From the beginning that story never added up. Now it does. Can you substantiate that claim?
    1 point
  7. Are you an expert on the topic of DNA? I'm not, so I would guess the expert who provided this analysis would know. He specifically says the DNA matches that of the claimed shooter. I don't. Pretty straitforward. Its likely someone planted some bear meat or shot a bear. IMO, the shooter shouldn't get any more attention on the topic. Better to move on. Unfortunately this will get milked for a while for attention. Personally, I am glad a BF was not killed. This pretty much discredits the guy's story 99%. There is still this 'boots' angle which will probably prove false. Wouldn't be surprised if someone put a bit of human blood on whatever may be on the boot, if anything, is there to keep the water muddy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FvLFAOabqs&feature=player_embedded @ 1 hr 53 mins Ketchum says "I want to stay away from that one". There is a comment in that blog's comment section which claims Ketchum confirmed the sample was a BF. I dont know if that's the case or not, but here she says the opposite.
    1 point
  8. The labs were testing biological samples, and weren't lied to about the samples, they just weren't told everything. If their results confirmed on novel sequences then that truth is nothing to get upset about. After all, it was to rule out contamination and bias. Proving the samples were from bigfoot wouldn't be any of their concern. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_experiment
    1 point
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