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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2012 in all areas

  1. In a sense it would not surprise me if a few things are going to come out soon a nd really prove the species. It has been a long time coming, people have been working hard, something has to give, and with the amount of motivation or desperation out there, it would not be surprising that it would happen almost simultaneously. Not that I am taking this Quantra thing seriously...nothing has happened yet to make me do so. Thanks Skyla. Rick you are funny but please put your guns away, I hear kids in the background and you are making me nervous! Oh and do yourself a favor and take a Valium and go to bed,lol!
    1 point
  2. Couple points for you guys. Hard to see people still speculate about if the Sierras piece is part of Ketchum's study or not as I can tell you right now, links or no links...if it wasn't claimed to be then what in the hell did we waste our time desperately trying to screen it for? Justin, Wally, Derek, Tyler etc... have all been told from day one (it's common knowledge) that a full genome has been performed and "paid" for and is the centerpiece of her study. It's not even a question and I don't even think she'd contend differently at this point other then she intentionally received a "different" piece. I refuse to share private emails without Dr. Ketchum's permission, though technically it's at our discretion (I have a thing about sharing private messages publicly when "intent" was privacy), but let's just say if I had you over for dinner tonight, I wouldn't have to even show you more then two sentences on my computer in a recent exchange with Tyler before you'd say "yep, ok, got it." On another note, I think the email communications we'll be consolidating and releasing soon back and forth with Trent will shed a lot of light on the whole process and the frustrations Tyler and I went through. You'll see and probably ask us "****, you guys must've been excited that day?" ...or... "oh man, I can picture how frustrating that was to hear that after what you thought was good news." The die hards with a much better understanding of diagnostics then me will get a much better feel for what Trent did or didn't do and in what order. I will tell you that my Midwest lab got a lot stronger report with ample bear, human (Justin) contamination (through genomic dna) and an absence of any third contributor unless something has changed since I last talked to the Doc......report due any time. I also tested two samples to try and tie up any loose ends or questions as I sent in both the salted piece from the site during our body search in July 2011 informally examined by Jeff (Meld) & John (Mio), and a frozen piece of tissue (just like Trent) to determine if they are from same subject species. I tried to cover every basis I could to get preliminary determinations. We had a lot of concerns about this tissue. I'm also looking forward to sharing all of these emails as some of these people questioning our motivations in the first place (many with an agenda themselves) will see the sincerity of our efforts..."if" they bother to read what we provide before commenting.
    1 point
  3. Isn't Daisy the one that got in that fire in Colorado a while back? BIGFOOT WORLD RULES 1) announce an upcoming event 2) no event, no bigfoot 3) go away 4) repeat
    1 point
  4. Secret Agent Man..... Secret Agent Man!
    1 point
  5. Most of the information that they have gathered will be destroyed. I am amazed that people would get their jollies from making this stuff up. Pathetic.
    1 point
  6. aw crap...I did not make that word up , I just looked it up and saw that is in the Urban dictionary with almost the same meaning. See what happens when you think you are doing something original,lol.
    1 point
  7. Scalarious Tim! Yes that is my new word for frightening and funny at the same time
    1 point
  8. Some folks in this field don't like it when others get all the attention...........
    1 point
  9. Too many thing here to address at once as I'm trying to catch up with limited time I've got right now, I apologize. Looks like a mixed bag of posters here as some are genuinely trying to digest and discuss the report and potential ramifications (appreciate that), others are terribly out of date with the story but still insist on making definitive suggestions further muddying the details and making things appear more complicated then they really are, then you have a few who are behaving like class clowns, trying to take little subtle jabs to get noticed and offer absolutely nothing into the conversation. I'm happy to answer or clarify information for the first group. Regarding the photo, "yes" Justin confirmed and called Ketchum out publicly regarding the photo that same day and explained that the piece was one and the same and even gave a tutorial on the striation marks where he cut her piece before processing the rest of it into smaller packaged pieces. When she questioned that piece it had already been posted for several months by Lindsay and I have to wonder today if suggesting it was a different was part of pre-planning an exit strategy as I can tell you right now, the strategy out of her camp now is that Justin sent her a real piece right off the body and sent us a bear piece because he fears prosecution due to the "human" element in her findings. This is what she claimed with Tyler, and her people are already passing along the point of "we can't comment on a piece we didn't test." The allegation is ridiculous as Justin is no dummy and understands fully he will never be retroactively charged for killing an "unrecognized" species (more worried about his hunting license for christ's sake) and he's clearly said he wishes there was some way she was right and the pieces were mixed up... he's convinced they weren't. However, he's also still shaking his head a bit at Trent's results as well. There's still a few people that still hint that Tyler and I are part of some agenda to take her down. First off, I have an admitted dislike bias towards her I'm not at all ashamed of (hence I felt it prudent to have Tyler be the one to have physical discussions with her recently) and you will know very soon why, if you haven't already figured it out. Putting that completely aside, I would give anything for her to be right and have her trump both these lab reports we got. If someone thinks tomorrow that Tyler and I would have egg on our face for trying to do the right thing and she drops this unreal paper with a full genome on the Sierras tissue down (with all necessary validation) we're going to be disappointed or feel stupid, you're living in Lalaland. You don't think I don't have a vested interest in these results being from an unknown primate? I got thermal footage (not damning, but very compelling with all circumstances and 100% legit)) 300 yds from where he shot them 23 months later for christ's sake. In addition, the guy has become a good friend through the process and since the day I eavesdropped on them, I don't believe they are lying. Could I be wrong, absolutely I could be wrong. Could our labs be wrong and Ketchum's work be correct, you tell me as some of you guys are more educated when it comes to diagnostics then I am. The difference for me is, due to the "circumstantial" nature of finding the tissue, I didn't have high expectations on this sample. Any hopes were further diminished by the incident I reference in my statement that I believe will be touched on directly by Justin within days. I should also mention that Tyler and I always expected two additional contributors if the flesh was from the adult bigfoot shot. We suspected Justin's dna should be on some of the piece from handling (undoubtedly) in addition to a larger predator (ursus americanus top candidate for geographic & immediate biosphere) as the story couldn't be true without post-mortem predation with respect to state of recognition of tissue when collected....would anyone disagree with that? There had to be multi-contributor's dna present. Unfortunately, there was no presence of a third contributor confirmed by both labs. All I know, is the easy thing was to look the other way and we didn't. We took the initiative based off both checks and balances noticeably absent, and especially out of mistrust created (to Justin especially) and did what needed to be done. We hoped for different results as you won't have to take our word for that, just read the emails when they are provided with both the communications with the labs and each other and read into our motivations, then come back and say zigoapex for example, that we had some hidden agenda you dreamed up after performing zero due diligence yourself.
    1 point
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