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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2012 in all areas

  1. NO, you shouldn't. Most won't care what is said about Rick Dyer, true or not. In this case it is true, it's on record with the Volusia County Sheriff Office and easily found via the web. http://www.volusiamug.vcgov.org/display.cfm?eventnumber=874921
    1 point
  2. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT DNA SAMPLE THAT TESTED POSITIVE FOR A BEAR!!!!! It STILL must be squatches that Smeja shot. BELIEVE without forthcoming physical evidence!
    1 point
  3. This isn't the case at all. It was indeed recruiting from our membership when you had to join to see the pictures. What else would it be? If I recall correctly, the only thing silly about the whole situation was the fact that we asked for a reciprocal link on that site, but that request was refused. The only reason I can think of to not publish the photos here - and require visitors from our site to join the MABRC to view them - would be to bolster the numbers of that forum at the expense of the free and open nature of the BFF. What about the thousands of members we have that aren't MABRC members? Did that forum want to openly share the above-mentioned photos with them, or just MABRC members that post here? One of our deals is to freely share information ... unless we require BFF members to join to see it on the MABRC, that is. Maybe you should change that to "Welcome to the MABRC - The forum that requires BFF members to join before seeing our content." Fishing for members and requiring our members to join to view content - on a site that has vehemently refused to reciprocate - is something that we will put a stop to every time.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I'm always optimistic about this sort of stuff except.... this time it sounds way too cool to be true. There is no Daisy and no traps either. This story was taken directly from a book titled "Forest Man" and it's available on Amazon. I read it a few months ago and this whole Quantra story is eerily similar to the Forest Man story. It's about a team of scientist that receive private funding to capture a Sasquatch. They have a plan A and a plan B. One is short term captivity with release and another is long term captivity with extended study. The plans were dependent on the physical and emotional reaction of the Sasquatch. Somebody has copied this story, added some color to it and has "leaked" it to the Bigfoot community. We will never see any clear photos and all that will happen is that they will "release" the mythical Daisy and claim that she reacted poorly to capture. Because they care so much for the well being of Daisy and her family, they can't divulge any details that could be used to identify and track her. Therefor, no details will be forthcoming. That's all that will happen and I'll be happy to eat crow if it's any different.
    1 point
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