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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. My grievances with this thread is that there is infortmation still witheld. We don't have statements from Justin about the provenance of the samples submittied to both Ketchum and T/B. The entire chain of custody has not been tested. It is not confirmed the human DNA is from Justin/ atleast not in a report we can read. All the questions that can be asked of the evidence and answered through testing is not complete. The samples seem to be tested without removal of any contamination. If this were done, there would be a single contributor and no rollercoaster ride. If I wanted that I would visit Six Flags.
    2 points
  3. So you are saying that you have seen actual proof of the group's work, not just one person's report of the work? I've looked through his section at your forum and haven't seen anything but undocumented stories written as if it's a TV show narrative. I"m still stuck on whether ORIG-6 ever existed or if Quatra exists. Until it can be confirmed, it's hard to even consider this research. Tim B.
    1 point
  4. Ahem! Can we please not be so snarky with our thoughts/responses? Thankyou!
    1 point
  5. What I mean by the urban bias to be skeptical of BF evidence.... The three most common challenges I hear to the plausibility of BF existence are these: 1. How can it stay hidden? 2. What could it eat? 3. How come we don't find bodies? Frankly, the mere posing of these questions reflects a huge failure of appreciation for the rural conditions in the U.S. and natural systems in general (not to mention human density shifts and deer population trends). These types of questions are hardly ever asked by people who spend any significant amount of time in the outdoors, especially by a hunter or any owner of any large tract of rural land. For most rural residents, I'd hazard to say the answers are axiomatic. (Yes, there are other questions pertinent to Sasquatch study, but these recur most often) When you couple this lack of knowledge with a cultural propensity to view the rural population as unsophisticated, superstitious or uneducated in general...well...I think the bias is palpable. Like I said, I think this gets in the way.
    1 point
  6. I personal don't care a wit about Ketchum and have no association with her or others involved with her. Yes I understand their motives but aren't they expressing concern over others motives? All I'm doing is supporting them voicing their opinion. If you want to call them out go ahead. I'm happy to listen. And since this thread is about the opposing tests aren't the motives of those involved in those tests the logical ones to question here? Ketchum's and her supporters motives are to be called out in the other thread.
    1 point
  7. This is so fantastical that it just cant be made up right? I'm sorry, we dont know eachother but you've said nothing here that compels me to think this is anything more than a hoax. You're describing the Hollywood movie equivalent of the CIA or those secret government agencies where you walk in the room and there are all these magical computers that can do anything. Were any of this true, its pretty selfish to the species and community. There are people out there that want to kill one. They need protection and rights. If this fantasy is anything more than a group that plays paintball in the woods and they have any form of evidence, then it should be released. But it wont be, because this is a hoax. And by the way, even if this Ed guy was real, you've never seen any of this equipment. Its all 3rd hand.
    1 point
  8. just another laod of BS......
    1 point
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