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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2013 in all areas

  1. I'll tell you what's agitating, having some people ask questions we've repeatedly answered through 15 pages because they are either a ) too lazy to read the thread and find their answers or b ) are not interested in our answers because they conflict with their own agenda. We come here to answer questions on our free-time for two reasons, because one, there's a lot of good people here (many I consider friends) following the details of this event and they've patiently waited for some answers and two, to prevent blatant untruths from being spread...you know, kinda like what you're trying to do right now and did earlier in a different thread with your BFRO agenda garbage. Although we appreciate the gestures of support and thanks from many here as we did put a lot of time and energy into trying to get some answers on this tissue and provide transparency we promised before the process even started, we're not interested in drumming up support for some imaginary cause, or for some imaginary "camp." You can take the lab reports or leave them for all I care. It's also very ignorant to insinuate that Tyler and I can in any way hurt Dr. Ketchum's study if she has what she's claimed as do you really believe if she does, what a couple hundred or even thousand people in the bigfoot community perceive as opposed to what can be validated through science, really would matter big picture? In addition, we had zero control as to when those lab determinations were final as do you really think we expected it take 7 months with Trent and 3+ months with my Midwest lab? The suggestion that we based our timing of a recent announcement by Dr. Ketchum is a false and ridiculous assertion as we've all heard the paper was going to be released in two weeks at least a dozen times in the last two years in addition to every other time and phase imaginable. In reality, no one has any evidence there's even a viable paper let alone when it's definitely being released and for all you know, she may not have control of when that is. Our timing was dictated by the results we of course hoped would turn out differently (obviously) and if it was up to Tyler the lab determinations would've been released even earlier (we also expected Midwest report by Xmas) I just felt it would be better that we're both available to answer questions and I wasn't prior to this week because I have a life and responsibilities outside of bigfooting. And you think I need you to tell me anything we present should be presented with skepticism? We're being transparent and that's how it should be "always," when anything is presented and we'd love nothing more then for someone with a genetics or diagnostic background to come in and blow major holes through these lab reports and show these guys got it wrong. I would also happily disagree with anybody who would suggest we should bury conflicting results for any length of time and for any reason. unless of course, we had a strong suspicion those results could be highly inaccurate. The strength of the parallel reports and the institution/facilities used give us no indication this is the case at this time.
    3 points
  2. Just speaking for me-my-own-personal-self dmaker, I've never howled in the woods (when sober) or banged on trees with sticks (only when trying to make little ones out of big ones when gathering firewood). I remember the pose of the skeptic very well. I'm not talking just about this topic, but about many things. As a much younger man, that described my approach to just about everything. As I am now well into my 6th decade, I can look back with a little perspective. I suppose I thought it made me worldly, or mature beyond my years. I guess I thought chicks dug it. Maybe law school had a lot to to with it. I realize now it stunted my appreciation for just how mysterious and weird this universe is, and how poor a vocabulary we possess when we try to describe its complexity. You have to be willing to look a fool in this life if you ever want to accomplish anything worthwhile, I now believe. Here's a prime opportunity. Science is on your side too, so how cool is that? Don't let it go to waste, I say. If it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt tomorrow that Sasquatches ain't, I'd shrug, laugh, and find another windmill to tilt at. OTOH, sometimes we're given the opportunity to be on the right side of history. You may reasonably convince yourself this is one of those times. Live a little, man.
    1 point
  3. You mean netcrawlers and creepy crawling-bots are awesome don't you?
    1 point
  4. We're still feeding the trolls.
    1 point
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