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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the pics, those scales are like a bear's. I was thinking of one like this. See how a simple expression can get twisted. God particles, Angel DNA, not in Genbank........The alignment scores will set it straight.
    1 point
  2. If it's killed or captured on federal land it would absolutely be illegal, regardless of Texas state law. If it were to be registered as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA (which could be done very quickly if it were considered an emergency situation) then it could be confiscated by the USFWS through eminent domain even if on private land (they would be compensated though). The ESA also trumps Texas state law.
    1 point
  3. Except the key point you are missing here is that this is not how science works. It's not up to, or even possible, for someone to prove that something doesn't exist. People that are saying BF is real need to prove that because of it right now, it has never been proven properly. To turn it around and say here is your opportunity, science is on your side, etc is backward thinking. Science is my side? How is that exactly? Science does not take sides. Science has not, as of yet, accepted BF as a new animal. And until that happens the burden of proof is on the claim that BF does exist, not the other way around. That is simply absurd and ridiculous beyond the pale. So many people here like to boast about science this and scientific method that and then turn around and say that science is on the skeptics' side as he charges us with proving that BF does not exist. Uhm, what scientific method exactly is that??
    1 point
  4. That police report that he beat up his wife or girlfriend, whatever she was, is not fake. It's public record. It can be found by searching the Volusia County Sheriffs inmate records.
    1 point
  5. There are two equally disturbing mentalities. "I believe and you have to believe also" and "I don't believe and you can't believe either"
    1 point
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