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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2013 in all areas

  1. If soon and shortly were silver dollars, I'd be a rich man for everytime it's been tossed around in this topic. Still I'll be happy if the quality of the paper is even better than the quantity of the data.
    1 point
  2. The BFRO is not a non-profit organization.
    1 point
  3. Grants for pursuing Bigfoot is not evidence of hoaxing Ray, unless you want to add Meldrum and Munn to the list for receiving grant money. Accusations from Byrne, a rival researcher, also don't equal facts. If I accused you of hoaxing would you add yourself to the list? That's seems to be the only requirement. You stated that Patterson took money and "failed to mail back any memberships". Where are the facts to support this? You also stated Patterson dug a footprint with his hands and poured a casting for his documentary- how exactly does this equate a hoax?
    1 point
  4. And I cheated on my IRS tax form 20 years ago and may have forgotten to pay a parking ticket at some point in my life........so I guess anything I say and do in Squatchery is a hoax? Or fraudulent? (I also pranked my aunt and uncle in the 8th grade with a pair of board feet I made in wood shop too.)
    1 point
  5. Wha? Guilty until proven innocent - that makes a lot of sense. Might as well put Kitakaze on the list too for making all of his claims...until we get 100% confirmation.....From conclusive evidence, Not personal belief.. Let's not be biased now. Green: "I did not start collecting Sasquatch information until 1957. Prior to that all I did was include a made-up Sasquatch story in a 1955 April Fool edition of my paper." So now a simple April Fool's joke makes one a hoaxer, huh? Man you guys are really stretching.
    1 point
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