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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Ok, I have some news for you guys. Early this morning I drove over to the area that Rick Dyer claimed to have shot the Bigfoot. I spoke to some homeless people that were camped out there and have been there for quite a while. I asked a couple if they remember seeing a film crew sometime in early December. The woman told me there had been a crew there sometime in September but she was under the impression they were filming a documentary or news footage of homeless people. However, neither she nor her husband had any personal contact with these people and they were only there for a few hours. I then asked them is they had heard of anybody shooting a gun during that time period. They both started laughing and said that they would know if somebody had fired a gun as the sheriffs department would have been out there in 10 minutes to boot everybody out. I asked them if they had seen anything strange in the time they had been camping there. They and 5 other people, that have been there almost a year, said the only strange thing they ever saw was when some local gang members tried to destroy a stolen car by lighting it on fire. There you have it, no Bigfoot and no shootings.
    2 points
  2. I have heard that once you smell the bad smell you are about to have an encounter. I'm gonna take this as a good sign.
    1 point
  3. Also, as a side note and this just occurred to me, if you were Minnow and were in possession of a Bigfoot body, I think the documentary would get back burnered in light of the financial rewards of a Bigfoot body. My guess is that the body would be worth somewhere in the range of $250M-$500M. This may be low, according to some estimations I have read. Why would you mess with a small budget documentary when you could bank on the body immediately? Then, add the possibility that Quantra claims to have a live specimen and time is now against you. It just does not make any sense. If they had a body, they would already be making plans to release information. Nobody would wait 3-6 months to enter some 2nd tier movie festival when they had a physical attraction that was worth hundreds of millions. Something tells me that this is a hoax and the hoax itself, is part of the movie and story line. After all, the movie is about the people that chase monsters and I can see how hoaxing would easily play into this.
    1 point
  4. Should we call them "Fasanos"?
    1 point
  5. Wildman, life does imitate art on occasion! Well, actually, it frequently does. Saskeptic...you could say it is because the quest is perceived to not have a destination I guess, but I would just put forth the old saw about the journey being the destination, etc. It is amazing what science discovers on the way to trying to learn something else. And let's not forget, definitively showing all BF reports and other evidence to be hoaxes, delusions or misinterpretations IS a significant outcome. Hell's bells, just definitively proving Patty is a guy in a suit would be HUGE! What would be the academic laurels a young human psychology doctoral candidate could garner by diving into the idea of a mass BF sighting psychosis...if your hypothesis of the origins of those reports is correct? I guess all fields of endeavor are burdened with the exigencies of personal security. I am predicting though, we are presently growing those who have a burning curiosity to follow evidence where it leads. Just as surely as there is some skinny 10 y.o. kid with funny looking hair posing with his pawn shop guitar in front of his mirror somewhere, and who will stand modern music on its ear someday, I have to believe there is a kid playing with a Squatch action figure, dreaming of being "The Guy." Go man, whoever you are.
    1 point
  6. Who cares who she plays for, i'm with truetalk.. It's not about finding the animal though, if they find the animal, the show/series is finished. And no one wants that as everyone is making $$ See it for what it is. I have no issue with people making $$ out of this subject when and where possible, but let's get it straight, where that program is concerned, they're not finding a Sasquatch nor do i doubt they actually want to. Or at least Animal Planet don't anyway.
    1 point
  7. We can safely say that no Bigfoot's were harmed during the filming of this documentary.
    1 point
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