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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm sorry but I think it's incredibly wrong that the MABRC just gets a pass and so does Ed Smith. I read the posts where the MABRC defended Ed Smith and they were vehement in their defense. They could have allowed inquiry and skepticism but they didn't. They stood behind him and it was only in the past couple of days that they started to word things carefully. It also bothers me that an announcement was made that Ed Smiths identity was discovered but it won't be released. Why even post it? Now, once again, we've been baited but no info will be released. Why protect this man or the people that defended him? The MABRC should own up to he way they defended him. It's ludicrous that they are now pretending otherwise. Also, why did they get rid of the threads that documented this? Something just smells bad.
    1 point
  2. Are we sure they banned him because they question his claims, or did they ban him for attacking the "hypocrisy" of MABRC members and threatening legal action (which appears to be the subject of his last post)? Or for some other reason? Because even after banning Ed from MABRC forums, some of those who have supported him (and who seem to support the measures taken) don't seem to have backed down from their belief in his story. In fact, one of the senior members referred to it as protecting Ed, before indicating he has thanked him for his "extraordinary" contributions.
    1 point
  3. Mr. Alexander? Mr. Parsons? Does that make this the Alex-Parsons Project? Tim B.
    1 point
  4. I think what Drew is alluding to is a coyote or some other smaller quadruped hopping along creating bipedal looking tracks.
    1 point
  5. Saskpetic, the "Minaret skull" comes to mind for me as something like what you describe. Couldn't agree more. Only anecdotal, but D. Boone also is said to have related an episode of killing a BF like critter. As somebody who opened up an entire trans-Appalachian wilderness on the mere strength of his word about the quality of the hunting there, I would have expected him to be very circumspect about spreading tall tales on that subject. White USA citizens of European ancestry, such as myself, are gradually waking up the unprecedented scope of the biological die-off of the Indian cultures we unwittingly unleashed on this continent merely by showing up. After a lifetime of reading and studying about the remnant populations, their culture, habits and ceremonies, I can only guess as to what was lost. We'll just never know. There is also one thing you can also count on: The last thing any Indian would ever do is divulge the content of his medicine bundle to a wasichu. Better it be concealed, or evenn destroyed. Most were, we think. Some are still rumoured to exist today, as a holy of holies, so to speak. It is anyone's guess as to what is in them, and I don't expect to find out.
    1 point
  6. Well, it was fun while it lasted. As I posted previously, as well as many others, if the meeting with Meldrum and the rest of the "Bridging Team" was cancelled or postponed, then that was the sign this was nothing but a big show and hoax. We still have MK, Sykes, Sierra Kills, Erickson and Dyer. I'm officially transferring my eggs to these other baskets...well, not all of them. Dyer is not getting any eggs at all!
    1 point
  7. Tyler , your PHD did not address hybrids, The cyto B locus is in the mitochondria, the mitochondria is human in bigfoot according to Ketchum,. therefore the universal primers will find human in every prospective bigfoot sample if she's right. This is her prediction, and so there is no resolution in the mitochondria unless she's wrong and there is a pure bred BF out there. Dr. Ketchum found resolution in the nuDNA. You have to decide whether you are going to take your labs word for it, or make them show you there was a single human source in the sample and that it was Justin. Arguing about how adamant they were is no better than taking Ketchum's word for it right? Stick to the "believe it when you see it" mentality with your labs if this is a standard you really want to uphold.It looks hypocritical when you don't. The Trent report did not illustrate with electophergrams there was a single human contributor, and given your understanding of Dr. Ketchums claims, you let them slight you..
    1 point
  8. This has to be one of the "least thought out" statements I have ever read!!! I'm being restrained here, because there are several other names I would rather give it than "least thought out", but none are allowed here. This is just my opinion, from almost 8 years of constant contact with them. Maybe these are just above average in, sneakiness & intelligence, but they are virtually impossible to fool. They know if there is the tiniest thing that is out of the ordinary. There is no scenario in which even one stranger could come here & set a trap without their knowledge. There is absolutely no possible way to "offer them up" if we wanted to!! That is positively RIDICULOUS. There is never a single moment that they aren't watching their habituated houses, unless they have been there for many years & are totally convinced that they can trust the people there. Never. And when they are convinced, you can bet your life that they are right. Somebody that would "offer them up" will not have the opportunity because they won't have anything to offer. It is NOT what "anyone would do in that situation". Believe it or not, there are people that would starve before they would betray a friend. That's the kind of people that BFs habituate, not people that would betray a friend for money. It's sad that there are so many "betrayers" in the world. I suppose that's why there are so few habituated.
    1 point
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