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  1. Absolutley ! We should use them as experiments for future expeditions. ie. Let's roll Ed Smith in honey and zagnut bars then tie him to a tree somewhere in Northern Canada with only Todd Standing for company.
    2 points
  2. Precisely why I'm not pro-kill, among a myriad of other reasons evidence wise.
    1 point
  3. Exactly. That's why I saying that it would only work if the only BF females that migrated to N. America were ones with the HSS mtDNA. If you had any pure BF females over here breeding as well that could cut it off. That's why the Bering land bridge idea seems like the only plausible mechanism that could cause something like that. Only one small related clan of BFs with the human DNA migrates across the land bridge---maybe even 50 or less. Their pure BF cousins are left behind in Asia and eventually are cut off when the sea levels rise (becoming the yeren, almas, etc.). SO all the N. America BFs would be descended from that small group with human DNA that migrated over. It seems far-fetched, but it's possible model for what she may be suggesting. Now if she's got multiple human "Eves" that's harder to explain with a non-contamination scenario and may be why we're hearing about continued hybridization up to the present. I doubt anyone is going to buy that though when the simplest explanation is that she just has multiple samples from multiple modern humans. Again, this is all hypothetical assuming her results are correct. You're right about the UH continuing to breed with UH. The UH is not really unknown. It's BF. It was BF 15,000 years ago and it's BF today. It's just got a little Homo sapiens in the woodpile that's all. That's why I say her calling BF a hybrid is misleading. Why can there be no "pure" BFs in North America? Well I suppose theoretically there could be, but then you would think out of her 100 BF samples MK would have gotten one. Instead they were all human mtDNA. So it seems unlikely there are any pure BFs in N. America if we're assuming she's correct. That's why I suggest that the hybridization event probably had to happen in the Old World. Let's say you had a large group of a thousand or so pure BFs that migrate over at the end of the last ice age. And then they bred with the early Native Americans who also came over. In that case you would still have plenty of "pure" BF females over here breeding as well. Any lineages with human DNA would eventually be swamped by the pure BF DNA. This is what Bart was suggesting. It's why you don't find any modern Europeans with fully Neanderthal mtDNA even though they may have a Neanderthal ancestor in their line way, way back. Almost a certainty for this scenario to work. Stubstad's reports unfortunately make no sense at all I would not put any stock in them. It seems clear that he didn't understand the inforamtion he was getting and then googled a few articles which he though were relevant but they weren't and he misunderstood what they were saying. If I get a chance this weekend I'll repost his report and deconstruct it. I'd like for some of the DNA experts to weigh in it. Not controversial at all. You're absolutely right. For this scenario to work it almost certainly has to be in the Homo genus. Except that MK said it was more distant than Neanderthal and Denisovan. There is a new study out suggesting that some African populations interbreed with another hominin (as yet unidentified) more distant than Neanderthal or Denisovan. The likely candidates include H. Heidelbergensis and H. Rhodesensis so these would also be the most likely candidates for MK's BF hominin (or a group of hominins descended from them that migrated into Asia and got taller and hairier). Certainly is.
    1 point
  4. Again I agree with you 200 percent a type specimen is needed and not claims. But obviously the claim that it "evades" us made by you is speaking to the fact that science doesn't have evidence of one. And not so much about the animal being able to remain undetected and unseen by every day witnesses. And again, which you did not respond to, it's a FACT that the FBI has ignored eye witness testimony in the face of a missing child. So what real reward is there for the every day witness to come forward? And you'll remember that I think it's a fool's errand. A photo relies on your perspective as a observer who is remotely viewing the photo. A foot on the other hand? Is a slam dunk. And it's almost harder to carry the camera around and get a good picture than it is to carry a adequate rifle and get a good shot. It's too bad modern day squatchers are anti kill.
    1 point
  5. There are many documented incidents of people shooting at a Sasquatch and, in some instances, actually killing them. However, they are all testimonial in nature and none, to my knowledge, resulted in any physical evidence. I'm not including the Sierra Kills as the results, from MK, have not been published. The bottom line is, we don't have a tremendous amount of physical or photographic evidence but we do have a tremendous amount of anecdotal evidence. This is the "rub," so to speak. A skeptic will present many logical reason as to why Bigfoot does not exist and it's hard to counter that because they are right. However, the flip side is also true, in that we can present a tremendous amount of anecdotal evidence, from very credible sources, and it's very hard to counter the sheer volume, detail and credibility of the sightings and/ or the person telling it. Some can be weeded out, but not all and there a lot of sightings that can't be easily dismissed. So, until a body is found, or all of the sightings can be discredited, we're in a no win situation.
    1 point
  6. Yep this came out the week prior to our Sierras remains search in July 2011 and Jeff (Meld) was surprised when I told him this as he hadn't seen it yet. It was all living polar bears today were traced back through mtDNA from a maternal Irish black bear. I need to go check but I could've swore someone is contending now this was an error but don't quote me on that as I'll try and look it up later.
    1 point
  7. Evades capture, not sightings, correct? Do biological surveyors typically bring high powered weaponry in the field? Hunters do I know, and they've seen them, and only 1 modern instance I know of where someone came out and is currently trying to prove it. Loggers, well diggers, archaeologists don't pack, do they? Camera traps don't collect specimens either as far as I know. Heck, most BF hunters don't pack enough firepower to take down an animal like this. I would say that every person you described above HAS indeed had an encounter, but not the gumption to drop one of the things.
    1 point
  8. After 2008 et al, I wouldn't have thought it possible that I could have any gear in my RD gearbox other than pure distain, but the truth is at some unknown point in time I have downshifted into feeling genuinely sorry for this guy, and even moreso I feel sorry for anyone associated with RD in his day-to-day life. Watching his recent video is not pretty, it's not funny, it's just flat-out disturbing. IMO RD is in some immense emotional and psychological pain at the moment. If it all stems from doing the deed he claims to have done or from somewhere else I'll probably never know, but whatever's the case, as I myself still have atleast an ounce of sanity left, I really feel sorry for this guy. And even "if" he's mostly acting, the undercurrent of what's going on with him recently is not good. EDIT: spelling.
    1 point
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