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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2013 in all areas

  1. I'll sign it the second the species is recognized by science........and not a second before.
    2 points
  2. If we can take the BFRO at their word, they screen out and eliminate many reports that don't ever get posted for failing the "smell" test. Funny how some can see the proliferation of sighting reports as a phenomenon explained by the need to fabricate internet content, and not by the alternative explanation: The internet is providing, for the very first time, a repository of reports that always have existed, but we never knew the extent of those, because, well.... we had no place to go to report and read them. Back in the day, you might have shared them with your buddies or even just kept your mouth shut because you might have thought you were the only one and had no means to check yourself. At most, your story might have shown up as a tongue-in-cheek human interest story in your local paper of circulation 500. (And those, BTW, have always existed too) It is a natural human tendency to be uncomfortable if you feel you are the first to share information. In case you were wondering, it is hardly a coincidence more and more sex offenders are being exposed now. Victims are finding strength in numbers, and the internet is bolstering that. Ever been in a group of people who don't want to share something uncomfortable...that is until the first person open's up and then it all comes pouring out? I see this often in jury selection when you have to broach something sensitive during voire dire. This phenomenon is no different. People want cover when it is something extraordinarily weird they are talking about. Mostly, it is just more reassuring when you have that . That emotion is way more compelling than the brief jolt you get by makig up a story and seeing it on a website. Who anymore thinks THAT is worth the time and effort? Most of the people filing these reports have jobs, families and way more important things to do with their times y'all!
    1 point
  3. Wouldn't it just make total sense for the paper to be published on Thursday and Ketchum to have her moment on the same day that Lance Armstrong's Oprah interview comes out? Who ever thought Bigfoot would get bigfooted?
    1 point
  4. I will not lend my name even when they are recognized. They can protect themselves. The way protection works, it is all or nothing. I don't agree with this way of thinking. I use the little owl that was protected, barring logging in the forest....all logging is not strip logging or bare cutting of forest. Because the forest was not thinned due to a single species, they all lost out. One of the biggest fires in Arizona history happened. Not only did the owls die, I sight this as poor management, so did countless other species of animals....and people and pets lost their homes or lives. Protection in the way it exists today is a fiasco. Preserve habitat, okay I would sign for that.....but only if and when the protection of habitat includes balance.
    1 point
  5. easy now... as a southerner with northern inlaws, i can honestly say redneck is a universally accurate term to describe many on both sides of the mason-dixon line.
    1 point
  6. Absolutley ! We should use them as experiments for future expeditions. ie. Let's roll Ed Smith in honey and zagnut bars then tie him to a tree somewhere in Northern Canada with only Todd Standing for company.
    1 point
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