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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm not talking about the PMP area. There are sections you can't see in the regular forum that are hidden unless you are a member. They took down the BFF statement from their forum in an effort to improve relations. I commend them for it. I know many members of the MABRC and they are very good people.
    1 point
  2. Yes, I know that as I am a premium member. The difference I see is that you don't have to become a premium member to see topical threads such as The Ketchum Report or Operation Persistence and many others. The premium section is there so members can discuss things such as religion and politics that could not be discussed in the regular forum, plus the infamous Tar Pit where tongues are unleashed. That's why you have to be a certain age to join, things are discussed that the kiddies shouldn't read. No, I don't like them. Before this Ed Smith thing broke I had no truck with them. But since, they have made it clear just how petty and childish they really are. From their "The Forum BFF doesn't want you to know about" (Really? I know about the MABRC forum because of the BFF) to their crappy attitude to everyone since then. I've seen nothing but arrogance and obstifucation from them (by the way, did you know that Ed Smith is gay?) and have seen how they come here to attack folks who offer an opposing point of view. Thankfully the BFF allows that. I'm entitled to my opinion and I am sorry if the MABRC folks don't like it. Maybe not, but it would have been a step in the right direction instead of trying to sling mud on others and deny they did nothing wrong.
    1 point
  3. The "Final Statement" even extended to criticizing 3rd parties who had offended MABRC Leadership in the past. Why was that even in there? The use of "Final Statement" in the title is arrogant to me as well. As if they speak from a position of authority...
    1 point
  4. I guess you don't own any BF books then DWA?
    1 point
  5. For me the MABRC's problem is that if nothing else they are guilty of being extremely gullible. And I have heard from people I DO trust that the MABRC stomped down anyone who along the way on this Ed Smith debacle tried to raise a red flag, some even banned from the forum for their dissent. For me one of the best things the BFF has going for them are the number of skeptics here and how they are allowed to voice their opinion. Tossing them out would result in a MABRC situation where you end up with nothing but a bunch of "That's a Squatch'ers" who readily buy into anything being sold. It's an unhealthy situation. I also don't like that the MABRC hid a lot of this information to those who do not join. That makes it look like nothing but an attempt to drive up their membership and induce clicks on their site. MABRC seems to think they did nothing wrong but if nothing else they have made many people even more cynical of the BF world and the people in it. Then there is the arrogance, "We don't owe an apology to anyone". Seems they want to blame everyone except themselves. The statement put out was just a bunch of horse hockey and an attempt to deflect any blame from themselves. Well, MABRC has made their bed, now they can lie in it.
    1 point
  6. Hmmmm....now that I think abou it....how many degrees removed IS Kevin from Harry and the Hendersons?
    1 point
  7. Why is it when someone or a group gets skunked they end up pointing their finger at everyone else and don't take responsibility for their own actions? I read the statement and that's all I got out of it. It was everyone elses fault. What happened to "common sense"? Not one shred of evidence to show after 4 years and just taking a persons "Eds" word for it. Is it gullability or just plain ignorance or just wanting to be "THE ONES" connected to someone (cough---> Ed) to prove the existance so badly that they become arrogant. To be honest I really liked DW, but when it comes to reputation, I believe in the 3 strikes and your out. The Bulletmaker saga, the childish behavior I witnessed at the last Honobia conference when some of the group sat outside the conference hall and gleefully enjoyed the dissapointment of the people who payed to hear Ketchum speak and instead had a rough audio and video to watch. Can't forget the "Foot" either. Now the Ed poo. Yea, you guys got skunked but it's your own fault for not following through and digging deeper. Yup, Ed gotcha but calling out a persons sexuality is being vindictive. You guys did do a great job when you got the Honobia Conference started but it went to pure sour grapes when Troy stepped in. Take responsibility and stop pointing the finger at everyone else. Ed is the guilty party but now your guilty by association.
    1 point
  8. I'll sign it the second the species is recognized by science........and not a second before.
    1 point
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