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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Has anybody noticed how many Coyotes yipping and howling during the middle of the night are being attributed to Sasquatch? I have come across numerous youtube videos, audio files on various websites, etc. Some even admit that it sounds like a Coyote but it's a Squatch mimicing a coyote instead. I have called, shot and skinned my fair share of Coyotes and I want to assure you all that if it sounds like a Coyote? It is! Wolf? Then it is! I've heard whoop calls in audio files........I don't have an answer to that. But if you don't believe me about Coyote calls, then you need a heavier dose of the Outdoor life channel and this guy: http://predatorquest.com/web/ Yip Yip Ki Yi AAAAAEEEEEE
    1 point
  2. Birds do make some surprisingly loud, and uncharacteristic noises. I don't doubt a cat bird could be the culprit in your case also. Another possibility could be racoons. Especially if it was a den tree, and they were fighting over the best space. Like kids crammed in the backseat of a car: "Mom! His legs touching mine!"
    1 point
  3. I was curious about how often this subject comes up in BFF and how popular it is, so below is a summary of similar topics/subjects discussed before with their respective links. Of all the posts, only this one had subject tags (maybe that is a 2012 feature). Nonetheless, the search engine worked well otherwise I would not have found all these other posts. After reading a large sample of these posts, I realize that they never conclude anything or provide some new insight. They are mainly opinions and speculations and rarely do people bring some good very well documented cases to back up the high strangeness claim. However, the popularity of these topics is real as seen by the number of views and posts. Some possible reasons for this topic to resurface once or twice a year could be: 1) new members of BFF who post the question without being aware of the previous discussion 2) new members of BFF who have read previous discussion but who want to start a fresh thread with a new angle/perspective 3) the subject will never be resolved conclusively for all BFF members (just like BF subject) so it will continue to be a subject for discussion 4) old members who think the subject has merit and are not satisfied that some attributes of the BF phenomenom have been given fair review Summary of search results on this topic (not guaranteed to be 100% comprehensive) is shown below with some stats. Hopefully this will be helpful to new BFF readers and members who like this topic and want to read up before posting. Bigfoot And Esp, Interdimensionalism, Aliens Etc... Brings Down Bigfootery? First Post: Armchairresearcher, January 7, 2013 Last Post: NCBRR, January 15, 2013 Number of Posts: 28 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 523 http://bigfootforums...own-bigfootery/ The Psychic Sasquatch First Post: Twilight Fan, July 6, 2012 Last Post: Bipedlist, September 1, 2012 Number of Posts: 872 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 18,862 http://bigfootforums...ge__hl__psychic Orbs and Bigfoot First Post: Violet X, August 22, 2012 Last Post: Bipedlist, September 1, 2012 Number of Posts: 127 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 1,813 http://bigfootforums...bs-and-bigfoot/ Mental Powers of Bigfoot First Post: TrueTalk, December 13, 2012 Last Post: Bipedlist, December 18, 2012 Number of Posts: 44 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 918 http://bigfootforums...ers-of-bigfoot/ Mindspeak First Post: Spader, October 2, 2012 Last Post: Bipedlist, October 8, 2012 Number of Posts: 69 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 1,049 http://bigfootforums...3972-mindspeak/ Does A Bigfoot/ufo Connection Exist? First Post: TheKingdomKeys, December 22, 2011 Last Post: AaronD, May 2, 2012 Number of Posts: 415 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 12,422 http://bigfootforums...nnection-exist/ Could It Be That Bigfoot Is Paranormal? First Post: ParaApe, August 11, 2011 Last Post: Art1972, March 8, 2012 Number of Posts: 506 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 10,798 http://bigfootforums...-is-paranormal/ A Paranormal Proposition First Post: Bonehead74, August 25, 2011 Last Post: Guest, September 23, 2011 Number of Posts: 138 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 2,149 http://bigfootforums...al-proposition/ Invisible Bigfoot & Alternative Thinking First Post: JudasBeast, April 5, 2011 Last Post: BFSleuth, July 21, 2012 Number of Posts: 317 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 11,915 http://bigfootforums...ative-thinking/ Review of Jack Lapseritis' The Psychic Sasquatch First Post: DBLondon, June 18, 2006 Last Post: HRPuffnstuff, June 21, 2010 Number of Posts: 64 Views as of Jan-19-2013: 11,741 http://bigfootforums...chic-sasquatch/
    1 point
  4. 1. He describes the suit differently depending on who he is talking to. 2. The lie detector test was performing by a known fraudster with a fake PHD called Edward Gelb for a silly ratings grabbing t.v show and nobody independent of this has ever been allowed to examine the 'test results'. When asked to take a lie detector test by Randy Ruegsegger of the credible Northwest Polygraph Examiners Association, Bob Heironimus refused. No, he doesn't maintain the same story. He skips between various different stories and has been PROVEN to be not telling the truth on many different aspects. We KNOW he's lying about lots of aspects of his claim. This is PROVEN 100%. Its no nail at all. Bob H has not one shred of actual evidence to back his claim. In fact his own words screw him up. No he didn't......because he moved clunky and in a cumbersome awkward manner. Michelin Man type hugely bulky suits can be built, but get the person in said suit to move smoothly and fluidly like Patty and that's where you run into the problems. Blevins failed utterly to get anywhere near Patty's smooth fluid locomotion.
    1 point
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