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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Has anybody noticed how many Coyotes yipping and howling during the middle of the night are being attributed to Sasquatch? I have come across numerous youtube videos, audio files on various websites, etc. Some even admit that it sounds like a Coyote but it's a Squatch mimicing a coyote instead. I have called, shot and skinned my fair share of Coyotes and I want to assure you all that if it sounds like a Coyote? It is! Wolf? Then it is! I've heard whoop calls in audio files........I don't have an answer to that. But if you don't believe me about Coyote calls, then you need a heavier dose of the Outdoor life channel and this guy: http://predatorquest.com/web/ Yip Yip Ki Yi AAAAAEEEEEE
    1 point
  2. Thanks MB, hopefully next time you can join us! KB
    1 point
  3. What happened to the NDA? Dyer must have forgotten that he claimed to have have signed one a few weeks ago. To be a good liar you need an excellent memory. Dyer claims Minnow 'own' the body. Just wonder what they make of him offering to show off their prized possession before they get to make any announcement. Red flag upon red flag.
    1 point
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