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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Jaqui My guess, and mind you, it's a pure guess, is that Minnow is creating a documentary about the type of people that are involved in the world of cryptic discovery. As you have already mentioned, they may have chosen "colorful" characters from the different cultures of cryptic investigators. Perhaps there's a part of the film that deals with the enthusiasm of people that are interested in Bigfoot? Let's face it, it's a very odd phenomenon. We're all people that come from different walks of life, have different backgrounds and interests. Our common bond is Bigfoot and we're all, skeptics included, ready to believe the next big claim.....not because it makes sense but rather because we WANT to believe. Common sense dictates that Rick Dyer does not have a Bigfoot body. There are countless reasons and I'm not going to list them all, as many have already been covered in this thread. Regardless, of common sense, many of us have found reasons why this MAY be true. Even though the cons, by far, outweigh the pros, we are still open to the possibility of this being real. This is what drives the Bigfoot world; the possibility of Bigfoot being real and, at the same time, it's what makes us vulnerable to hoaxers. I think Minnow is incorporating this "quirk" of the Bigfoot culture into its film. This desire, we all have, to believe in a creature that by all rational evidence, does not exist. Anyhow, RD has our attention and we'll wait and see. I'd rather be waiting on something that could be true, than nothing at all. I hate it when there's nothing going on in the Bigfoot world and all we have are boring threads like, "what color are Bigfoot's toe nails" or "Does Bigfoot eat roots?" I'm much more enthusiastic when there's a body on ice or a new video that's a thousand times better than the P&G. It does not make me stupid or gullible as I know perfectly well that these things are very remote. I just prefer to have a little hope than none at all. At the same time, I don't get get my hopes up very much and nor do I just blindly follow every new development. I call them as I see them and hope that I'm proven wrong, or right, as the case may be.
    1 point
  2. Well, of course he did, but not to Melba. She got the real deal. Has nobody thought of that here yet? Better to be prosecuted for killing a bear, than for killing a potential human.
    1 point
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