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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm using Todd Standing as an example of someone who has gotten very clear footage of a Sasquatch SINCE the PGF. This is what the skeptics are asking for. No matter if you think they look like ewoks or not, it's Hi Def footage, it's not a bear or a stump and so there fore it is more ALLEGED footage of a Squatch. So with that said? Have any of the skeptics asked to go out with Todd Standing to verify his alleged footage? Or the animal? No. Instead they rely on other believers in the BF community in the vetting process to decide if Todd Standing is a fraud or is real..........that's not exactly scientific is it? I realize that science and the skeptics require a body........but here again Todd Standing is adamantly anti kill and just like the Ketchum petition, Todd has petitioned his government for the protection of the species. I'm just playing devil's advocate here, because here again, I believe there is not a single piece of media that will ever be produced that will change the minds of the skeptics.
    1 point
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