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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2013 in all areas

  1. You mean when the majority of them can construe their data to ensure continued funding. I'm always leary of any use of the words proclaim or proclamation. In my experience they connote the attempt to substitute perceived authority for fact. Interesting that you have chosen the term yourself.
    1 point
  2. The face of a neanderthal with hair. more human features than animal. He was about 40-60 yards away. I'm not good with measuring by eyesight. his coat of hair was beautiful, but had marks on it like scars or something. gashes in it's coat. the rest seemed well groomed and beautiful. He was downwind and I didn't smell anything unusual for the woods area. It's hard to explain the angle of is approach, but, a little wider than a 90 degree angle is the best description I can give. I can tell you the others I see, I believe, are actually the same one. He seems to have a change in coat colors at different times. like a black and a dark brown. I guess if you can imagine a very tall and strong neanderthal with bear like arms, size of the guns and not look alike, and a body of hair close to 3 inch long hair or so and sometimes the hair is thick and or thin, we'd be talking about the man I'm seeing. The only problem is, I don't see him anymore. I miss him. I'm not seeing them in my dreams anymore either. Perhaps, I've lost my gift, I don't know. My uncle told me that throughout life we will be tested. We'll lose communication with the other side and long for that communication back. He told me that every man is tested. That they sit back and watch to see if we lose faith. That we need to take comfort in knowing and seeing instead of the "expectation" of always seeing.
    1 point
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