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  1. My youngest son and I went to the area where RD’s story takes place and spent about 4 hours looking around. My son is still at the age where he likes hanging out with dad, just because and, not to mention, the allure of a Bigfoot adventure! I told him all of the background info about RD and his claims. My youngest son is 11 so, even though he’s young, I wanted him to know the details of the events so he could have some insight s to what we were looking for. I did not take a gun with me as I was wearing work out clothes and didn’t feel like changing into jeans because it was almost 80 degrees outside. However, I did take the precaution of telling my wife where we were going, just in case…. Our first stop was the area of the original 911 Bigfoot sighting in 2009. That was a short visit since the area is now under “development†and bulldozers had cut large swaths through the brush and trees. Obviously, there are no longer any homeless people living in this area. The next stop, and where we spent most of our time, was the large piece of property behind the Home Depot. At first glance, it did not look like we would be able to get onto this property because of a fence that went all the way around it. We drove around the property and noted it was for sale. One side had a Home Depot and a strip mall and the other side had an apartment complex. However, most of it had no development on the edges of the property. It was much larger than I first thought. I need to call the real estate agency that has this listing to find out the exact size. However, I did some research online and discovered that most of this property was recently purchased by Methodist Hospital system. I calculated that this property is about 50 acres in totality so it’s pretty big. My son noticed an area where it looked like a truck could drive into and we parked next to it. The path was very steep, greater than a 45 degree incline, and even though I was pretty sure I could climb it in my Suburban, in 4 wheel drive, I did not know what was beyond the incline so we decided to be prudent and walk it. The first thing we noticed, after climbing up the path, were a number of unoccupied homeless camps. We counted 5 and all of them had been recently inhabited. There were old clothes, chairs, coolers and other misc items. We even came across an old mattress and a tent. There was also evidence of old camp fires. The path led along the edge of the property, behind the Home Depot and I took a number of photos from this perspective so I could later compare them to the background of RD’s videos. All this being said, there is no doubt in my mind that RD and the Minnow crew could have spent plenty of time here without attracting any interest from local LE. It’s very isolated and impossible to see into from the road. It’s very thick and aside from one very rough path, impossible to explore with a vehicle. One of the first things we noticed was a nasty smell, like something had died. The first thing that crossed me mind was that we were going to walk up on a dead body. In fact, it ended up being a dead dog. There was some blood on the body but it was so swollen that we could not tell what it died of. We found an area where somebody had set up a water collection station that ran to a watering bowl for birds. There were also a number of bird houses in a clearing we came across. I’m assuming somebody had set it up in order to watch birds. We spent several hours walking around and observing. We wanted to see if a Bigfoot could sustain itself in this limited area. I’m not a wildlife biologist but it appeared to me that it may be possible. There was plenty of deer sign and small game. There is a creek that cuts through the property and I’m told there are caves in the area, although we didn’t see any. One of the strangest things we came across was a piece of meat and bone. Right next to it, were two empty ice bags and a large piece of white plastic wrap that had blood all over it. I could not tell what it was but did not look like a cut of meat I’m familiar with and no, it was not a section of ribs..lol. About ten feet away, we found the wing of a large bird. It was not a turkey but could have been a hawk or buzzard. There was also a pile of feathers. The piece of meat could have been the skinned body of hawk or buzzard. If it was one of these birds; what killed it and why the bloody piece a plastic? We walked about 500 yards into the thickest part of the property and there were several small clearings that were very clean and looked like nobody had been camping there before. However, it was thick and it started to make me nervous so we backed out. I was not comfortable being there, unarmed with my youngest son. I’d feel better if I went back with a small party of adults. Next time, I’d wear jeans and snake boots. I can’t say what it was that made me feel uncomfortable but it just may have been the isolation and the situation itself. So, without going on and on about every last detail, let me make some points that are relevant to the discussion on this forum. Please note that I’m reporting my observations only and have nothing to do with my opinion of RD, his claims or history. In my opinion, and based on the local geography, I think it’s possible a Bigfoot could spend time in this area. Because of the size of this property and it’s lack of easy access, I think somebody could fire a 30.06 and NOT necessarily attract the police. My son and I were indisputably in the same area in which RD filmed some of his videos. Was a Bigfoot filmed there and/ or did RD shoot it? That I don’t know. If Bigfoot does not exist, then the answer is no. If Bigfoot are real; then RD’s story is plausible, based on my limited knowledge of the events and the people involved.
    2 points
  2. I don't mind discussion with skeptics, I have no desire to argue with scoftics. I don't think they are here to talk about the Bigfoot phenomenon.
    1 point
  3. BS. It's simple negative reinforcement in most cases. You experience something extraordinary, share it, and get shot down by folks who are certain that you're somehow mistaken. After a while you keep it to yourself for the most part and only share with those who are sincerely interested. Debating skeptics, IMO, is nothing more than a waste of time. At some point you simply decide that they're no longer deserving of your time and effort.
    1 point
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