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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2013 in all areas

  1. Norseman, the damned things exist. I've been face-to-face with an eight and a half foot tall male wondering whether or not it was going to take my head off first, or my friend's, or my brother's. But telling you that's not good enough. Now, I wasn't a scientist then, but I am now. A bonafide state-licensed, professional chemical engineer. I'm also a West Point Graduate, served on the faculty there, commanded troops, and served on high level staffs. I could go on. But I'll tell you. None of that's good enough. There'll always be some fool more interested in analyzing how I might have been honestly mistaken than in what I actually saw. The fool will eventually demand proof that I wasn't mistaken. Well I can't see one for him and I don't have a body, so he walks away convinced I'm mistaken despite my reputation and credentials. Why should I bother? Eventually the fool may see one for himself, stop bothering me, and share my frustration when he reports his experience. And eventually someone will drag in a body and that will be both the end and the beginning of it. In the meantime, after you get past proving to yourself they exist, I'll be here for you.
    1 point
  2. What he said^^^^ When you post blobsquatches you are taken to task for making Bigfootery look bad. When you do get a photo that is above a Blobsquatch you suddenly become a hoaxer. That along with the demanding tone of the questioning takes a good bit of the fun out of sharing what you come up with.
    1 point
  3. I doubt many of us joined this forum to engage with skeptics. And none of us have an obligation to meet any skeptic's demands. I came here to share what I've experienced with other witnesses and to learn from others who have had encounters. It's a complete bore to constantly be harrangued by people who want to drag you into the "Do they or don't they exist?" debate. It impedes advanced discussion. Skeptics have nothing of value to offer me, behave as if they are entitled to demand information that they will then discount out of hand, and too often are prone to derision. Case in point: Norseman, you see my attitude as a cop out. This pre-supposes that I have an obligation to answer any inane question any skeptic may ask, and there's a new crop of them asking the same questions every week. Bull! I had a classmate at the Academy who would come to me the night before his math final every semester. He had a habit of sleeping through math and I had a habit of trying to bring him up to speed on the entire semester instead of preparing for my own final (no value to me because he was in the slow program and I was in the accelerated one). In our third year, just before taps he caught me in the hallway and asked how to solve a problem in his book. So I took a look at it and said: "Ok, first you take the integral..." He then interrupted me and asked "How do I take the intergral?" Which was from his previous semester. I knew he'd have me up all night tutoring him and I'd finally had enough. I closed his book, handed it back to him, said "Dan, I can't help you", walked away, got a good, untroubled night's sleep, and was fresh for my own final. Dan managed to pass and became more responsible for his own education instead of using me asa crutch.
    1 point
  4. I can think of several scenarios involving a rented tractor with front end loader, & a rented refrigerator truck, to keep things cool until plans could be made. Dead horses & cows can be easily lifted with a medium sized tractor & front end loader, why not a BF? When there's money & a will, there's a way.
    1 point
  5. BS. It's simple negative reinforcement in most cases. You experience something extraordinary, share it, and get shot down by folks who are certain that you're somehow mistaken. After a while you keep it to yourself for the most part and only share with those who are sincerely interested. Debating skeptics, IMO, is nothing more than a waste of time. At some point you simply decide that they're no longer deserving of your time and effort.
    1 point
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