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  1. If the issue is they can't publish due to peer review the situation could be reversed in 30 seconds with a Wally Hersom check that would make a publisher's head spin. http://www.eprints.o...faq/#38-worries http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html
    1 point
  2. That is most certainly one way...... Maybe most Bigfooters think inside the box of the "Bigfoot researcher"? I'm a hunter..........so I think like one. If Mr. Moneymaker is to be taken for his word? Then Bigfoot goes after ungulates correct? So do Bears, Cougars, Wolves, Coyotes. While there are different methods and angles in which to hunt each species, the common denominator that each species responds to is predator calling. Again there are a multitude of different call sets and calls that may pertain to one species more than others. To call a Squatch the best set and style would be that of a Bear. For one the hunter isn't going to be packing a smaller caliber rifle. Cougars, Wolves and Coyotes are relatively easy to kill compared to that of a Bear. Bears are also an omnivore.........which means that the areas they habitat to begin with may very well be better areas in which to hunt a Squatch than other species. Bears respond great to rabbit distress calls, bear cub squall calls and deer/elk calls as well. Bears do not see as well and smell superbly, so that would require some tweaking if hunting an ape with trichromatic vision. But cats and dogs see fairly well and most predator hunters using calls are set up for multiple species...........so no biggie. So a call set that includes a fawn decoy and a fawn in distress call bleating away like a sad billy goat, could very well be a great invitation. But hunting is on the decline nationally...........predator hunters are even a much much smaller percentage with most hunters concentrating on deer or elk. And many states allow hounds and baiting for hunting bear...........which then cuts down the amount of hunters out there actually using calls to hunt bear an even smaller minority. And then we must then assume that when that hunter calls in an ape instead of a bear? Which is not his intended prey? He could very well be shocked from the encounter or feel that it was human like enough to not pull the trigger........ it's a very remote scenario that a predator hunter hunting Bear is going to bag a Sasquatch. It's a far far BETTER scenario that I continue chipping away at the old guard, and convince Bigfootdom that what they need to do is leave their dental cement, rulers, whoop calls, video cameras and rave parties behind..............camo freakin up, grab a large caliber rifle and join me. My guide gun goes with me everywhere! If I go out hiking? It goes. If I go to town? It goes. If I go hunting for coyotes? It goes. It is a permanent part of my "kit".......even if I'm doing something that has nothing to do with Squatch. It's an insurance policy, an insurance policy that I will not miss the opportunity if lightning strikes and the stars align. For example.......concerning typical Bigfoot wisdom. When a track way is found what is the first thing that enters the mind of the Bigfooter? Document the trackway right? Because the trackway is evidence right? Out comes the camera, ruler, dental resin, maybe a small grid search of the area looking for more tracks to document? The primary mission is to preserve and document the track way.........and there lies the problem. Track casts do not convince science...........we have those, we have had those for 50 years. Now that doesn't mean that the track way isn't useful for someone like Dr. Meldrum or others. The track way is important but it shouldn't be the primary mission. The primary mission is tracking down and collecting a type specimen. Because that is the only way...........the only way, to convince science. People may buck this, they may find it barbaric, they may find it immoral, but it's reality. I don't hold a lot of hope for hair samples and DNA studies. And believe me, I have been patient, I've been patient for about 30 years now. Patient that somebody ELSE was going to prove this species existance......... For most of my life I have not actively searched for Squatch, yes I have done many activities in the wild, hunted, fished, packed mules, picked huckleberries, etc But obviously this species is different and needs a more direct approach if we are going to rise them out of the ranks of pixies and gnomes. If there is a better way? I'm all ears.
    1 point
  3. ^^That's pretty good advice there JDL. After thinking about it as well, there have been reports that bright lights hurt the BF's eyes, perhaps a couple of those tactical LED flashlights would be handy. Heck, they have warnings on em that they will damage the eye...
    1 point
  4. Very difficult to lose Scott for many of us who've spent alot of time with him over the years (especially Tom Yamarone who was extremely close with Scott). I'm very grateful that we got to take him out one last time last July when we got Munns and the gang to Bluff. I can't tell you how many good times we had, specifically out on the NorCal coast as Scott loved being out with us and we loved having him. He also contributed so much, as many of you know, from an historical aspect. He definitely left his mark on this field and will be missed. Being a witness himself many, many years ago, Scott did not need convincing with respect to the existence of these animals but I promised him in July that we will carry on aggressively to bring that reality to the world, and we'll do so in his honor.
    1 point
  5. I figure that there are three cases: Case 1: Defensive Aggression: "Hey, you're poking around in my territory so I'm threatening you". Best response: Leave Case 2: Enraged Aggression: "You hurt one of us so I'm going to rip your head, arms, and legs off". Best response: It's enraged, so your options are limited. Fight for your life if you have the means. Look as dangerous as possible by brandishing anything you might have that appears unpredictably dangerous. Get it to pause long enough for you to withdraw. Case 3: Predation: "You'll never see me coming, and it'll be over before you have a chance to do anything about it." Best preventions: Stay in groups of three or more within mutually supporting distance and keep your eyes on each other. Carry some kind of electronic noise-maker that emits an exceptionally loud, piercing sound. Be prepared to trigger it to startle the squatch and make it worry about people assembling rapidly. If it snatches a kid with this kind of noisemaker on his person and the kid has the chance to activate it, the squatch may drop the kid rather than carry it along while it is making noise.
    1 point
  6. @violet - The burden of proof is on Dyer, not the rest of us. We don't have to prove it's not real, he has to prove it's real. It's no different than me saying, prove to me you're not cheating on your significant other. The burden of proof would be on me to prove you are. (just an analogy, I don't mean to infer anyone is cheating lol) This is someone that scammed people on ebay. Scammed people with the Georgia Hoax. They're making money off the hoax DVD. His partner, now ex-cop said he was upset that RD was upset that he went from 10k hits a day on the hoax videos to 40hits a day when he formed bigfoottrackerllc.com. He needs the attention. If you know the person you're dealing with, then you have to ask, how does this fit that profile. And reread your sentence again about what others have said about the costume. And then realize he spent six days with a hollywood level film crew. Its raises flags, not lowers them. It could all be true. I've never said it's all a lie. But those ignorant of history are destined to repeat it. All we've gotten is hype leading up to something that everyone here will be waiting for in April. The fact that Minnow mentions Biscotti with no mention of Dyer is just repeating the same pattern of the Georgia Hoax. Biscotti funds the whole thing, Dyer gets his fame while hyping it. Expect this time they bring Musky in to view it instead of Steve Kulls who exposed the hoax. All i'm saying is remain skeptical and demand more than what's given.
    1 point
  7. I want proof as well, all I can say is innocent until proven guilty, that is one of the reasons I am being fair to Dyer.
    1 point
  8. An interesting note about the recent radio program. Dr. Ketchum says the three nuDNA whole genomes align in the same places and are extremely mutated humans. Alignment across several samples is the killer of the "contamination" and or "degradation" theories.
    1 point
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