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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2013 in all areas

  1. Very difficult to lose Scott for many of us who've spent alot of time with him over the years (especially Tom Yamarone who was extremely close with Scott). I'm very grateful that we got to take him out one last time last July when we got Munns and the gang to Bluff. I can't tell you how many good times we had, specifically out on the NorCal coast as Scott loved being out with us and we loved having him. He also contributed so much, as many of you know, from an historical aspect. He definitely left his mark on this field and will be missed. Being a witness himself many, many years ago, Scott did not need convincing with respect to the existence of these animals but I promised him in July that we will carry on aggressively to bring that reality to the world, and we'll do so in his honor.
    3 points
  2. Hey Norse ol buddy. When you're cleaning your rifle, be sure to use that Hoppes solvent in a well ventilated area.
    1 point
  3. @jackiLb "Of course none of us know if this is all real or not..." This explains alot of what happens with people. Immediately after a post by someone who actually knows, is a post by someone saying "none of us know". This actually IS a knowable thing that IS known by certain people. I get to "know" on this one. Boy, what a treat. The rehearsal video had hundreds of views... I assume from hundreds of different people. I think some people on here have seen it too, but are maybe just "enjoying the show". The story has become this ridiculous snowball that is so much bigger than itself that there is no stopping it now. Beliefs have inertia and changing beliefs provokes a period of confusion that we all seek to avoid. Being fundamentally wrong about a thing is almost as uncomfortable as not knowing. Robert Lindsay is (or wrote he was) "100% sure" the story is true. I only know that the tent video was a hoax. It's entirely possible that an actual squatch came in the next day and was shot by Dyer while being filmed by two guys with shoulder mounted cameras... It just doesn't fit in my world view or the story being told or known BF behavior. A blog entry is not proof of anything and shouldn't be enough to sway a belief. But anybody who took the step of believing a 1.2 second video because it was supported by FB/FB was a bit gullible to begin with. I was a big FB/FB fan and I found Jack Barnes's book "You Are a Sasquatch" (and it's bibliography) extremely enlightening. This will show that they are human and do make mistakes sometimes. I think this is damaging to the industry, but I think we're past the point of reversing mainstream opinion with snips of blurry film and a few hairs. The damage will be internal... us against each other... Perhaps RD's ultimate revenge.
    1 point
  4. If we really take a look at the facts of this story, this is what we have. *FYI: This list is NOT meant to be humorous. 1. Minnow is making a documentary that includes RD 2. We do NOT know the subject matter of the documentary 3. Minnow and RD were in San Antonio as part of this documentary 4. RD filmed "something" from his tent 5. RD is a know hoaxer 6. RD has stated, within the past 6 months, that he's been working on a huge hoax 7. RD went to Vegas to be close to Biscardi 8. Biscardi was in contact with Minnow 9. Musky Allan has had a relationship with RD for, at least, 6 months prior to the "shooting." 10. RD posted, on his blog, that he makes money from hoaxes. These are facts and #6-10 came directly off his blog. The rest of the story has been nothing but words from RD. He can't prove any of it to be true and Musky Allen's involvement is more than suspect, considering his past relationship with RD. RD is trying to pull off a hoax and the ONLY credibility to this story is Chris Noel. That's the only spark keeping this story alive. Minnow does not add any credibility because we don't know the subject of the documentary. For all we know, it could be about hoaxes and hoaxers or the "business" of being a monster hunter.
    1 point
  5. Why can't the 'Journal' just say YES or NO? Why do they have to leave Ketchum twisting in the wind? Cowardly Pricks
    1 point
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