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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2013 in all areas

  1. Do you seriously think they bought him a ticket on a commercial airliner???? If this happened, there are "money people" involved. They aren't stupid, & they know how to make things happen. Moving the body would have been the least of their concerns.
    1 point
  2. I think, personally, that when we (the BF community) learn to give up the obsession with proving it to anyone, we'll finally begin to get somewhere with our individual and collective research. That's when the answers will come.
    1 point
  3. Raw power of nature? I do not believe for a second that a 800 lbs human/hominid hybrid or primate or whatever they think sasquatch is next week would be significantly stronger or harder to kill than a 800 lbs grizzly or polar bear. Every year humans using regular hunting firearms to kill these animals even when these animals are in full out I want to tear you apart mode. If anyone thinks that a flesh and blood apelike creature is going to be significantly harder to kill or stronger then a similar sized grizzly, then imho they don't understand the power of these bears. Poachers all over Africa have used AK 47's for decades to hunt and kill elephants, hippos, lions and gorillas, would anyone here seriously think a sasquatch is stronger or harder to kill than an elephant
    1 point
  4. Many of the comments made about "habituators" sound like sour grapes to me. For that matter, a good part of the negativity in the BF discussion come across as envy. " If it were me, I'd bla bla bla".
    1 point
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