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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2013 in all areas

  1. Supporting evidence? Name 'em! Indeed I could not have said it better!!
    1 point
  2. I think this is what we are looking at, Minnow Films probably offered RD a boat of $$$ for him to pull a hoax off so they can make a documentary about it.
    1 point
  3. I don't know why people are giving this idiot another 15 minutes to make an ass out of the community.
    1 point
  4. Violet and Jaqui can believe whatever they want and, to be perfectly frank, their belief has some merit. The argument/ debate on this thread has very little to do with a Bigfoot being shot in San Antonio on 9/06/12. What has thrown a wrench into the works is the name, Rick Dyer. This thread is about RD, his past hoaxes and possible future hoaxes. The dead Bigfoot is a minor detail in all of this. If, for example, we substituted Rick Dyer's name with John Smith, the debate would be about the details and possibilities of the incident itself. To be fair, we discussed this earlier in this thread but the past 40 plus pages have been dedicated to Rick Dyer's character or lack of. This shooting is plausible, if you happen to believe in Bigfoot, but anything that's associated with Rick Dyer is immediately tainted and deservedly so. Violet and Jaqui are choosing to look at the story itself and not the personalities. Since 2008, Rick Dyer has made a career from the beliefs, hopes and dreams of Bigfoot believers. This can't be disputed in any way as he's left a wide trail of hoaxed videos, photos and claims. I have no idea if he believes in Bigfoot or not. What I do know is that he believes that we believe and that's given him all the knowledge he needs to gain our attention and turn that into profit. He is a profiteer that's focused his attention on our desire to prove Bigfoot exists, once and for all. He's no different than anybody that uses people's faith for personal gain. Is it right, ethical or moral? Of course it's not but he obviously does not care. So, could he have shot a Bigfoot in September of last year? Yes If you just focus on that aspect of this whole story then there's some hope to be had. However, RD's past, in addition to even his most recent behavior, demonstrates a man that is willing to stoop to the lowest levels to get what he wants the most; attention and recognition. The sad fact is this; RD has yet to accept and recognize that, regardless of whatever he achieves in Bigfoot research, he will never have respect. He can always get our attention but he will never have our admiration.
    1 point
  5. And if Minnow included hoaxers in their profile of these men? The hoax isn't part of the documentary. Just how it was created. They have no liability here. They included Biscardi and Dyer. You think Morgan didn't research them? That's even more incredulous considering his record and credibility in the industry.
    1 point
  6. Many of the comments made about "habituators" sound like sour grapes to me. For that matter, a good part of the negativity in the BF discussion come across as envy. " If it were me, I'd bla bla bla".
    1 point
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