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  1. I'm not sure really where Rick Dyer is actually from, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Texas. I think Georgia has to claim him unfortunately for Georgia. That Rick Dyer is a known serial hoaxer and compulsive liar IS a FACT, not a personality conflict.
    1 point
  2. ^^ That's pretty much it, I believe. Dr.Meldrum's integrity is unassailable in this community. To put the hoax up against that integrity was a lethal mistake. And rightly so. If I had to wager on who was truthful between Meldrum and Musky, I'll take Meldrum any day. So would probably about 90% or more of this forum.
    1 point
  3. Agreed. Dyer will be doing us a favor by taking those guys down.
    1 point
  4. Funny the Siskiyous viral movie was sniffed out in five days, yet add a big name celebrity author/member, a lot of drama and foils with opinions, big name hoaxers and a lot of wishful thinking and something like this takes on a life of it's own for what now? ...... a month or longer. Live and learn! Fast, furious and for some, fun. Anytime you see the Biscotti association, turn around and run fast, in the opposite direction.
    1 point
  5. Just to remind everyone. The film Jacki is talking about was taken from the same camera as the tent or camper video. It was posted briefly on youtube and then withdrawn. It shows a man outside, next to the "bigfoot" (prop) seen in the tent video. They appear to be adjusting positions and angles so that certain elements are hidden from the final product. It shows the tent video to be a hoax... very clearly. I can speculate that it may have been a mistake or grudge by a Minnow employee, or possibly is was the end game reconsidered. The tent video part of this WAS/IS definitely a hoax. I mentioned a few times on RL, but he's already swallowed the hook. Now I get to watch a train wreck. Jacki... Please tell us why you want this whole thing to be true? Not BF, but the Dyer story? In between attacking people you should also go read Tim Fasano's response, and maybe just the definition for "objective journalism" from anywhere... Minnow had an agreement with Dyer when this started... call it an NDA or whatever. If Dyer was doing a hoax, then one could assume that Minnow would be under contract to NOT undermine the hoax. How do you not undermine something, if you are asked specifically by someone else if it is a hoax? If you want to honor your legal obligation, you say you don't know, or you lie. If nothing else is true, I believe that Minnow will make every effort possible to meet its legal obligations without question. They have not made any statement to the public and every anonymous leak has been supportive of the hoax. "Inside sources" might be more loyal to their jobs than they were to Bob and Chris. Covering covert activities is a special case for journalists, they can't fight or warn the enemy. Their job is to roll the camera and get it home. Jeff and Jack got suckered, because the tent video confirmed their book. Combine the two, ad MA and a "skin only "anatomical surrogate", and you have doubled down on the big one. I am not less impressed by its being a hoax. I am dumbfounded that it has worked on any level. RD may have intentionally leveraged this hoax with the credibility of Minnow, which, if he thought about it in advance... well done. On historical, logical, and behavioral levels... enough red flags to choke a whale.
    1 point
  6. RD shoots and kills a Bigfoot in of all places San Antonio! Cops come, look at a dead 9 foot bigfoot and don't do anything except say move it off the street before Home Depot opens. They don't call the DA? No cell phone pic for the guys down at the station or the local dunkin' doughnuts? Then the body is packed up and taken to where? Las Vegas? Really? Enter some unknown kid with an on line identity who gets his pic taken with RD outside of a Casino whose name is rdciculously apparent in the photo. By the way, this skeptic just happens to be the same age as RD and looks like he could be related. You would think that the famous skeptic would be perhaps more mature looking and not an RD clone? Rewind to the Minnow films documentary. As their website says it is about people who are obsessed with monsters, so much so that is has taken over their lives. That folks is what the film is about. It is an artsy quirky documentary about folks who search for monsters and never find them. (sound familiar MM?)There is no HD film of a Sasquatch, dead or alive There is no body. There is no secret facility outside of Vegas. Dr. Meldrum was never contacted by anyone. There will be an exhibit at the Excalibur in the future, but it won't contain a San Antonio Sasquatch. One more thing. Is there anyone out there besides me who thinks they have seen that tent video figure someplace else before all of this? I can't put my finger on it but something is just not right about that video. I remember quite well the Ga. hoax and the buzz about it on the old forum. This is the same thing folks. Sure Musky what's his name sounds believable in the FB interview to all who want to believe. Heck most of us want to believe. We all want to see a body rolled out to finally prove BF existence and validate all of the eyewitnesses who have seen them. That is the basis of the scam. RD has found a way to make money off of this. Nicely done con.
    1 point
  7. Dyre is the type of person that has no concience or shame. So it hinges on having a real body, and real names examining it.
    1 point
  8. there is no NDA's cuz it never happened Jacki go have a drink and calm down Rick doesnt need to pay anybody he never had a body..sad you would believe he ever did exactly !!
    1 point
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